Source code for maspy.reader

This module provides functions to import various data types as maspy objects,
which are associated with analysis workflows of mass spectrometry data. This
currently comprises the mzML format, results of the percolator software and to
some extent mzIdentML files, and file formats representing peptide LC-MS feature
".featureXML" and ".features.tsv".

#  Copyright 2015-2017 David M. Hollenstein, Jakob J. Hollenstein
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

######################## Python 2 and 3 compatibility #########################
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.utils import viewitems, viewkeys, viewvalues, listitems, listvalues

    #python 2.7
    from itertools import izip as zip
except ImportError:
    #python 3 series

from collections import defaultdict as ddict
import io
from lxml import etree as ETREE
from operator import itemgetter as ITEMGETTER
import os
import warnings

import numpy
import pyteomics.mzid
import pyteomics.mass

import maspy.auxiliary as aux
import maspy.core
import maspy.peptidemethods
import maspy.xml

### mzml import methods                       #######################
[docs]def importMzml(filepath, msrunContainer=None, siAttrFromSmi=None, specfilename=None): """Performs a complete import of a mzml file into a maspy MsrunContainer. :paramsiAttrFromSmi: allow here to specify a custom function that extracts params a from spectrumMetadataItem :param specfilename: by default the filename will be used as the specfilename in the MsrunContainer and all mzML item instances, specify here an alternative specfilename to override the default one """ #TODO: docstring siAttrFromSmi = defaultFetchSiAttrFromSmi if siAttrFromSmi is None else siAttrFromSmi if msrunContainer is None: msrunContainer = maspy.core.MsrunContainer() basename = os.path.basename(filepath) dirname = os.path.dirname(filepath) filename, extension = os.path.splitext(basename) specfilename = filename if specfilename is None else specfilename #Check if the specified file is valid for an import if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise IOError('File does not exist: %s' % filepath) elif extension.lower() != '.mzml': raise IOError('Filetype is not "mzml": %s' % filepath) elif specfilename in print(specfilename, 'already present in the msrunContainer, aborting import.') return None mzmlReader = maspy.xml.MzmlReader(filepath) masterContainer = {'rm': str(), 'ci': {}, 'si': {}, 'sai': {}, 'smi': {}} #Dictionary recording which MS2 scans follow a MS1 scan ms1Record = ddict(list) for xmlSpectrum in mzmlReader.parseSpectra(): smi, binaryDataArrayList = smiFromXmlSpectrum(xmlSpectrum, specfilename) #Generate SpectrumItem si = maspy.core.Si(, smi.specfile) si.isValid = True siAttrFromSmi(smi, si) if si.msLevel > 1: si.precursorId = si.precursorId.split('scan=')[1] #TODO: change to use regex to extract from known vendor format ms1Record[si.precursorId].append( else: ms1Record[] #Touch the ddict to add the MS1 id, if it is not already present #Generate SpectrumArrayItem sai = maspy.core.Sai(, smi.specfile) sai.arrays, sai.arrayInfo = maspy.xml.extractBinaries(binaryDataArrayList, smi.attributes['defaultArrayLength']) #Store all items in the appropriate containers masterContainer['smi'][] = smi masterContainer['si'][] = si masterContainer['sai'][] = sai for siId, msnIdList in viewitems(ms1Record): #Ignore KeyError if the spectrum is not present in the mzML file for whatever reason try: setattr(masterContainer['si'][siId], 'msnIdList', msnIdList) except KeyError: pass for xmlChromatogram in mzmlReader.chromatogramList: ci = ciFromXml(xmlChromatogram, specfilename) masterContainer['ci'][] = ci masterContainer['rm'] = mzmlReader.metadataNode msrunContainer._addSpecfile(specfilename, dirname) msrunContainer.rmc[specfilename] = masterContainer['rm'][specfilename]['status']['rm'] = True msrunContainer.smic[specfilename] = masterContainer['smi'][specfilename]['status']['smi'] = True msrunContainer.sic[specfilename] = masterContainer['si'][specfilename]['status']['si'] = True msrunContainer.saic[specfilename] = masterContainer['sai'][specfilename]['status']['sai'] = True msrunContainer.cic[specfilename] = masterContainer['ci'][specfilename]['status']['ci'] = True return msrunContainer
# --- generate python objects from mzML xml elements --- #
[docs]def ciFromXml(xmlelement, specfile): #TODO: docstring ciId = xmlelement.attrib['id'] ci = maspy.core.Ci(ciId, specfile) for key in ['dataProcessingRef']: if key in xmlelement.attrib: setattr(ci, key, xmlelement.attrib[key]) ci.params, children = maspy.xml.extractParams(xmlelement) arrayLength = xmlelement.attrib['defaultArrayLength'] for child in children: childElements, childParams = maspy.xml.sublistReader(child) childTag = maspy.xml.clearTag(child.tag) if childTag == 'precursor': #TODO: THIS HAS TO BE ADAPTED, REPLACE "**element", ADD A LOOP newElement = MzmlPrecursor(**element) elif childTag == 'product': #TODO: THIS HAS TO BE ADAPTED newElement = MzmlProduct(**element) elif childTag == 'binaryDataArrayList': for childElement in childElements: dataType, dataTypeParam = maspy.xml.findBinaryDataType(childElement['params']) ci.arrayInfo[dataType] = {'dataProcessingRef': None, 'params': childElement['params']} if 'dataProcessingRef' in childElement: ci.arrayInfo[dataType]['dataProcessingRef'] = childElement['dataProcessingRef'] ci.arrays, ci.arrayInfo = maspy.xml.extractBinaries(childElements, arrayLength) return ci
[docs]def smiFromXmlSpectrum(xmlelement, specfile): #TODO: docstring scanId = xmlelement.attrib['id'].split('scan=')[1] #TODO: change to use regex to extract from known vendor format smi = maspy.core.Smi(scanId, specfile) smi.params, spectrumChildren = maspy.xml.extractParams(xmlelement) smi.attributes.update(xmlelement.attrib) binaryDataArrayList = list() for spectrumChild in spectrumChildren: spectrumChildTag = maspy.xml.clearTag(spectrumChild.tag) elements, params = maspy.xml.sublistReader(spectrumChild) if params: #Define scanListParams here setattr(smi, spectrumChildTag+'Params', params) for element in elements: if spectrumChildTag == 'scanList': newElement = maspy.core.MzmlScan(**element) elif spectrumChildTag == 'precursorList': newElement = maspy.core.MzmlPrecursor(**element) elif spectrumChildTag == 'productList': newElement = maspy.core.MzmlProduct(**element) elif spectrumChildTag == 'binaryDataArrayList': binaryDataArrayList.append(element) continue else: raise Exception('unexpected spectrum xml child tag!') getattr(smi, spectrumChildTag).append(newElement) return smi, binaryDataArrayList
# --- extract spectrum attributes from the mzml like structure of a Smi object --- #
[docs]def fetchSpectrumInfo(smi): #TODO: docstring attributes = dict() for key, accession, dtype in [('msLevel', 'MS:1000511', int), ('tic', 'MS:1000285', float), ('basepeakMz', 'MS:1000504', float), ('basepeakI', 'MS:1000505', float) ]: param = maspy.xml.findParam(smi.params, accession) if param is not None: attributes[key] = dtype(param[1]) else: #Or don't add key to attributes? attributes[key] = None return attributes
[docs]def fetchScanInfo(smi): #TODO: docstring if smi.scanList: attributes = dict() for key, accession, dtype in [('rt', 'MS:1000016', float), ('iit', 'MS:1000927', float), ]: param = maspy.xml.findParam(smi.scanList[0]['params'], accession) if param is not None: attributes[key] = dtype(param[1]) #TODO: raise a warning if time is neither in minutes nor in seconds if key == 'rt' and param[2] == 'UO:0000031': #convert retention time from minutes to seconds attributes['rt'] *= 60 else: attributes[key] = None else: attributes = None return attributes
[docs]def fetchParentIon(smi): #TODO: docstring if smi.precursorList: attributes = dict() attributes['precursorId'] = smi.precursorList[0].spectrumRef selectedIon = smi.precursorList[0]['selectedIonList'][0] for key, accession, dtype in [('obsMz', 'MS:1000744', float), ('i', 'MS:1000042', float), ('charge', 'MS:1000041', int) ]: param = maspy.xml.findParam(selectedIon, accession) if param is not None: attributes[key] = dtype(param[1]) else: attributes[key] = None else: attributes = None return attributes
[docs]def defaultFetchSiAttrFromSmi(smi, si): """Default method to extract attributes from a spectrum metadata item (sai) and adding them to a spectrum item (si).""" for key, value in viewitems(fetchSpectrumInfo(smi)): setattr(si, key, value) for key, value in viewitems(fetchScanInfo(smi)): setattr(si, key, value) if si.msLevel > 1: for key, value in viewitems(fetchParentIon(smi)): setattr(si, key, value)
[docs]def convertMzml(mzmlPath, outputDirectory=None): """Imports an mzml file and converts it to a MsrunContainer file :param mzmlPath: path of the mzml file :param outputDirectory: directory where the MsrunContainer file should be written if it is not specified, the output directory is set to the mzml files directory. """ outputDirectory = outputDirectory if outputDirectory is not None else os.path.dirname(mzmlPath) msrunContainer = importMzml(mzmlPath) msrunContainer.setPath(outputDirectory)
##################################################################### ### import for SiiContainer class ####################### #####################################################################
[docs]def prepareSiiImport(siiContainer, specfile, path, qcAttr, qcLargerBetter, qcCutoff, rankAttr, rankLargerBetter): """Prepares the ``siiContainer`` for the import of peptide spectrum matching results. Adds entries to ``siiContainer.container`` and to ````. :param siiContainer: instance of :class:`maspy.core.SiiContainer` :param specfile: unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers. :param path: folder location used by the ``SiiContainer`` to save and load data to the hard disk. :param qcAttr: name of the parameter to define a ``Sii`` quality cut off. Typically this is some sort of a global false positive estimator, for example a 'false discovery rate' (FDR). :param qcLargerBetter: bool, True if a large value for the ``.qcAttr`` means a higher confidence. :param qcCutOff: float, the quality threshold for the specifed ``.qcAttr`` :param rankAttr: name of the parameter used for ranking ``Sii`` according to how well they match to a fragment ion spectrum, in the case when their are multiple ``Sii`` present for the same spectrum. :param rankLargerBetter: bool, True if a large value for the ``.rankAttr`` means a better match to the fragment ion spectrum. For details on ``Sii`` ranking see :func:`applySiiRanking()` For details on ``Sii`` quality validation see :func:`applySiiQcValidation()` """ if specfile not in siiContainer.addSpecfile(specfile, path) else: raise Exception('...')[specfile]['qcAttr'] = qcAttr[specfile]['qcLargerBetter'] = qcLargerBetter[specfile]['qcCutoff'] = qcCutoff[specfile]['rankAttr'] = rankAttr[specfile]['rankLargerBetter'] = rankLargerBetter
[docs]def addSiiToContainer(siiContainer, specfile, siiList): """Adds the ``Sii`` elements contained in the siiList to the appropriate list in ``siiContainer.container[specfile]``. :param siiContainer: instance of :class:`maspy.core.SiiContainer` :param specfile: unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers. :param siiList: a list of ``Sii`` elements imported from any PSM search engine results """ for sii in siiList: if not in siiContainer.container[specfile]: siiContainer.container[specfile][] = list() siiContainer.container[specfile][].append(sii)
[docs]def applySiiRanking(siiContainer, specfile): """Iterates over all Sii entries of a specfile in siiContainer and sorts Sii elements of the same spectrum according to the score attribute specified in ``[specfile]['rankAttr']``. Sorted Sii elements are then ranked according to their sorted position, if multiple Sii have the same score, all get the same rank and the next entries rank is its list position. :param siiContainer: instance of :class:`maspy.core.SiiContainer` :param specfile: unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers. """ attr =[specfile]['rankAttr'] reverse =[specfile]['rankLargerBetter'] for itemList in listvalues(siiContainer.container[specfile]): sortList = [(getattr(sii, attr), sii) for sii in itemList] itemList = [sii for score, sii in sorted(sortList, reverse=reverse)] #Rank Sii according to their position lastValue = None for itemPosition, item in enumerate(itemList, 1): if getattr(item, attr) != lastValue: rank = itemPosition item.rank = rank lastValue = getattr(item, attr)
[docs]def applySiiQcValidation(siiContainer, specfile): """Iterates over all Sii entries of a specfile in siiContainer and validates if they surpass a user defined quality threshold. The parameters for validation are defined in ``[specfile]``: - ``qcAttr``, ``qcCutoff`` and ``qcLargerBetter`` In addition to passing this validation a ``Sii`` has also to be at the first list position in the ``siiContainer.container``. If both criteria are met the attribute ``Sii.isValid`` is set to ``True``. :param siiContainer: instance of :class:`maspy.core.SiiContainer` :param specfile: unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers. """ attr =[specfile]['qcAttr'] cutOff =[specfile]['qcCutoff'] if[specfile]['qcLargerBetter']: evaluator = lambda sii: getattr(sii, attr) >= cutOff and sii.rank == 1 else: evaluator = lambda sii: getattr(sii, attr) <= cutOff and sii.rank == 1 for itemList in listvalues(siiContainer.container[specfile]): #Set the .isValid attribute of all Sii to False for sii in itemList: sii.isValid = False #Validate the first Sii sii = itemList[0] if evaluator(sii): sii.isValid = True
[docs]def readPercolatorResults(filelocation, specfile, psmEngine): """Reads percolator PSM results from a txt file and returns a list of :class:`Sii <maspy.core.Sii>` elements. :param filelocation: file path of the percolator result file :param specfile: unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers. :param psmEngine: PSM PSM search engine used for peptide spectrum matching before percolator. This is important to specify, since the scanNr information is written in a different format by some engines. It might be necessary to adjust the settings for different versions of percolator or the PSM search engines used. Possible values are 'comet', 'xtandem', 'msgf'. :returns: [sii, sii, sii, ...] """ if psmEngine not in ['comet', 'msgf', 'xtandem']: raise Exception('PSM search engine not supported: ', psmEngine) itemList = list() #Note: regarding headerline, xtandem seperates proteins with ';', #msgf separates proteins with a tab with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as openfile: lines = openfile.readlines() headerDict = dict([[y,x] for (x,y) in enumerate(lines[0].strip().split('\t')) ]) scanEntryList = list() for line in lines[1:]: if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue fields = line.strip().split('\t') if psmEngine in ['comet', 'msgf']: scanNr = fields[headerDict['PSMId']].split('_')[-3] elif psmEngine in ['xtandem']: scanNr = fields[headerDict['PSMId']].split('_')[-2] peptide = fields[headerDict['peptide']] if peptide.find('.') != -1: peptide = peptide.split('.')[1] #Change to the new unimod syntax peptide = peptide.replace('[UNIMOD:', '[u:') sequence = maspy.peptidemethods.removeModifications(peptide) qValue = fields[headerDict['q-value']] score = fields[headerDict['score']] pep = fields[headerDict['posterior_error_prob']] sii = maspy.core.Sii(scanNr, specfile) sii.peptide = peptide sii.sequence = sequence sii.qValue = float(qValue) sii.score = float(score) sii.pep = float(pep) sii.isValid = False itemList.append(sii) return itemList
[docs]def importPercolatorResults(siiContainer, filelocation, specfile, psmEngine, qcAttr='qValue', qcLargerBetter=False, qcCutoff=0.01, rankAttr='score', rankLargerBetter=True): """Import peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) from a percolator result file, generate :class:`Sii <maspy.core.Sii>` elements and store them in the specified :class:`siiContainer <maspy.core.SiiContainer>`. Imported ``Sii`` are ranked according to a specified attribute and validated if they surpass a specified quality threshold. :param siiContainer: imported PSM results are added to this instance of :class:`siiContainer <maspy.core.SiiContainer>` :param filelocation: file path of the percolator result file :param specfile: unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers. :param psmEngine: PSM search engine used for peptide spectrum matching before percolator. For details see :func:`readPercolatorResults()`. Possible values are 'comet', 'xtandem', 'msgf'. :param qcAttr: name of the parameter to define a quality cut off. Typically this is some sort of a global false positive estimator (eg FDR) :param qcLargerBetter: bool, True if a large value for the ``.qcAttr`` means a higher confidence. :param qcCutOff: float, the quality threshold for the specifed ``.qcAttr`` :param rankAttr: name of the parameter used for ranking ``Sii`` according to how well they match to a fragment ion spectrum, in the case when their are multiple ``Sii`` present for the same spectrum. :param rankLargerBetter: bool, True if a large value for the ``.rankAttr`` means a better match to the fragment ion spectrum For details on ``Sii`` ranking see :func:`applySiiRanking()` For details on ``Sii`` quality validation see :func:`applySiiQcValidation()` """ path = os.path.dirname(filelocation) siiList = readPercolatorResults(filelocation, specfile, psmEngine) prepareSiiImport(siiContainer, specfile, path, qcAttr, qcLargerBetter, qcCutoff, rankAttr, rankLargerBetter) addSiiToContainer(siiContainer, specfile, siiList) applySiiRanking(siiContainer, specfile) applySiiQcValidation(siiContainer, specfile)
[docs]def readMsgfMzidResults(filelocation, specfile=None): """Reads MS-GF+ PSM results from a mzIdentML file and returns a list of :class:`Sii <maspy.core.Sii>` elements. :param filelocation: file path of the percolator result file :param specfile: optional, unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers. If specified all the ``.specfile`` attribute of all ``Sii`` are set to this value, else it is read from the mzIdentML file. :returns: [sii, sii, sii, ...] """ readSpecfile = True if specfile is None else False unimod = pyteomics.mass.mass.Unimod() _tempMods = dict() mzid_refs =, retrieve_refs=True, iterative=False) siiList = list() for mzidEntry in mzid_refs: mzidSii = mzidEntry['SpectrumIdentificationItem'][0] scanNumber = str(int(mzidEntry['scan number(s)'])) if readSpecfile: specfile = os.path.splitext(mzidEntry['name'])[0] sii = maspy.core.Sii(scanNumber, specfile) sii.isValid = mzidSii['passThreshold'] sii.rank = mzidSii['rank'] sii.eValue = mzidSii['MS-GF:EValue'] sii.charge = mzidSii['chargeState'] sii.sequence = mzidSii['PeptideSequence'] sii.specEValue = mzidSii['MS-GF:SpecEValue'] sii.score = numpy.log10(sii.eValue)*-1 if 'Modification' in mzidSii: modifications = list() for modEntry in mzidSii['Modification']: try: modSymbolMaspy = _tempMods[modEntry['name']] except KeyError: unimodEntry = unimod.by_title(modEntry['name']) if len(unimodEntry) != 0: modSymbol = 'u:'+str(unimodEntry['record_id']) else: modSymbol = modEntry['name'] modSymbolMaspy = '[' + modSymbol + ']' _tempMods[modEntry['name']] = modSymbolMaspy modifications.append((modEntry['location'], modSymbolMaspy)) modifications.sort(key=ITEMGETTER(0)) _lastPos = 0 _peptide = list() for pos, mod in modifications: _peptide.extend((sii.sequence[_lastPos:pos], mod)) _lastPos = pos _peptide.append(sii.sequence[_lastPos:]) sii.peptide = ''.join(_peptide) else: sii.peptide = sii.sequence siiList.append(sii) return siiList
[docs]def importMsgfMzidResults(siiContainer, filelocation, specfile=None, qcAttr='eValue', qcLargerBetter=False, qcCutoff=0.01, rankAttr='score', rankLargerBetter=True): """Import peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) from a MS-GF+ mzIdentML file, generate :class:`Sii <maspy.core.Sii>` elements and store them in the specified :class:`siiContainer <maspy.core.SiiContainer>`. Imported ``Sii`` are ranked according to a specified attribute and validated if they surpass a specified quality threshold. :param siiContainer: imported PSM results are added to this instance of :class:`siiContainer <maspy.core.SiiContainer>` :param filelocation: file path of the percolator result file :param specfile: optional, unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers. If specified the attribute ``.specfile`` of all ``Sii`` is set to this value, else it is read from the mzIdentML file. :param qcAttr: name of the parameter to define a quality cut off. Typically this is some sort of a global false positive estimator (eg FDR) :param qcLargerBetter: bool, True if a large value for the ``.qcAttr`` means a higher confidence. :param qcCutOff: float, the quality threshold for the specifed ``.qcAttr`` :param rankAttr: name of the parameter used for ranking ``Sii`` according to how well they match to a fragment ion spectrum, in the case when their are multiple ``Sii`` present for the same spectrum. :param rankLargerBetter: bool, True if a large value for the ``.rankAttr`` means a better match to the fragment ion spectrum For details on ``Sii`` ranking see :func:`applySiiRanking()` For details on ``Sii`` quality validation see :func:`applySiiQcValidation()` """ path = os.path.dirname(filelocation) siiList = readMsgfMzidResults(filelocation, specfile) #If the mzIdentML file contains multiple specfiles, split the sii elements # up according to their specified "specfile" attribute. specfiles = ddict(list) if specfile is None: for sii in siiList: specfiles[sii.specfile].append(sii) else: specfiles[specfile] = siiList for specfile in specfiles: _siiList = specfiles[specfile] prepareSiiImport(siiContainer, specfile, path, qcAttr, qcLargerBetter, qcCutoff, rankAttr, rankLargerBetter) addSiiToContainer(siiContainer, specfile, _siiList) applySiiRanking(siiContainer, specfile) applySiiQcValidation(siiContainer, specfile)
##################################################################### ### import for FeatureContainer class ####################### #####################################################################
[docs]def importPeptideFeatures(fiContainer, filelocation, specfile): """ Import peptide features from a featureXml file, as generated for example by the OpenMS node featureFinderCentroided, or a features.tsv file by the Dinosaur command line tool. :param fiContainer: imported features are added to this instance of :class:`FeatureContainer <maspy.core.FeatureContainer>`. :param filelocation: Actual file path :param specfile: Keyword (filename) to represent file in the :class:`FeatureContainer`. Each filename can only occure once, therefore importing the same filename again is prevented. """ if not os.path.isfile(filelocation): warnings.warn('The specified file does not exist %s' %(filelocation, )) return None elif (not filelocation.lower().endswith('.featurexml') and not filelocation.lower().endswith('.features.tsv') ): #TODO: this is depricated as importPeptideFeatues #is not longer be used solely for featurexml print('Wrong file extension, %s' %(filelocation, )) elif specfile in print('%s is already present in the SiContainer, import interrupted.' %(specfile, ) ) return None #Prepare the file container for the import fiContainer.addSpecfile(specfile, os.path.dirname(filelocation)) #import featurexml file if filelocation.lower().endswith('.featurexml'): featureDict = _importFeatureXml(filelocation) for featureId, featureEntryDict in viewitems(featureDict): rtArea = set() for convexHullEntry in featureEntryDict['convexHullDict']['0']: rtArea.update([convexHullEntry[0]]) fi = maspy.core.Fi(featureId, specfile) fi.rt = featureEntryDict['rt'] fi.rtArea = max(rtArea) - min(rtArea) fi.rtLow = min(rtArea) fi.rtHigh = max(rtArea) fi.charge = featureEntryDict['charge'] = featureEntryDict['mz'] = maspy.peptidemethods.calcMhFromMz(featureEntryDict['mz'], featureEntryDict['charge']) fi.intensity = featureEntryDict['intensity'] fi.quality = featureEntryDict['overallquality'] fi.isMatched = False fi.isAnnotated = False fi.isValid = True fiContainer.container[specfile][featureId] = fi #import dinosaur tsv file elif filelocation.lower().endswith('.features.tsv'): featureDict = _importDinosaurTsv(filelocation) for featureId, featureEntryDict in viewitems(featureDict): fi = maspy.core.Fi(featureId, specfile) fi.rt = featureEntryDict['rtApex'] fi.rtArea = featureEntryDict['rtEnd'] - featureEntryDict['rtStart'] fi.rtFwhm = featureEntryDict['fwhm'] fi.rtLow = featureEntryDict['rtStart'] fi.rtHigh = featureEntryDict['rtEnd'] fi.charge = featureEntryDict['charge'] fi.numScans = featureEntryDict['nScans'] = featureEntryDict['mz'] = maspy.peptidemethods.calcMhFromMz(featureEntryDict['mz'], featureEntryDict['charge']) fi.intensity = featureEntryDict['intensitySum'] fi.intensityApex = featureEntryDict['intensityApex'] #Note: not used keys: #mostAbundantMz nIsotopes nScans averagineCorr mass massCalib fi.isMatched = False fi.isAnnotated = False fi.isValid = True fiContainer.container[specfile][featureId] = fi
def _importFeatureXml(filelocation): """Reads a featureXml file. :param filelocation: #TODO: docstring :returns: {featureKey1: {attribute1:value1, attribute2:value2, ...}, ...} See also :func:`importPeptideFeatures` """ with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as openFile: readingFeature = False readingHull = False featureDict = dict() for i, line in enumerate(openFile): line = line.strip() if readingFeature == True: if line.find('<convexhull') != -1: readingHull = True hullNr = line.split('<convexhull nr=\"')[1].split('\">')[0] hullList = list() elif readingHull == True: if line.find('<pt') != -1: x = float(line.split('x=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]) y = float(line.split('y=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]) # x = retentiontime, y = m/z #retentionTimeList.append(x) hullList.append([x,y]) elif line.find('</convexhull>') != -1: featureDict[featureKey]['convexHullDict'][hullNr] = hullList readingHull = False elif line.find('<position dim=\"0\">') != -1: featureDict[featureKey]['dim0'] = float(line.split('<position dim=\"0\">')[1].split('</position>')[0]) elif line.find('<position dim=\"1\">') != -1: featureDict[featureKey]['dim1'] = float(line.split('<position dim=\"1\">')[1].split('</position>')[0]) elif line.find('<intensity>') != -1: featureDict[featureKey]['intensity'] = float(line.split('<intensity>')[1].split('</intensity>')[0]) elif line.find('<overallquality>') != -1: featureDict[featureKey]['overallquality'] = float(line.split('<overallquality>')[1].split('</overallquality>')[0]) elif line.find('<charge>') != -1: featureDict[featureKey]['charge'] = int( line.split('<charge>')[1].split('</charge>')[0] ) elif line.find('<userParam') != -1: if line.find('name=\"label\"') != -1: featureDict[featureKey]['label'] = line.split('value=\"')[1].split('\"/>')[0] elif line.find('name=\"score_fit\"') != -1: featureDict[featureKey]['score_fit'] = float(line.split('value=\"')[1].split('\"/>')[0]) elif line.find('name=\"score_correlation\"') != -1: featureDict[featureKey]['score_correlation'] = float(line.split('value=\"')[1].split('\"/>')[0]) elif line.find('name=\"FWHM\"') != -1: featureDict[featureKey]['FWHM'] = float(line.split('value=\"')[1].split('\"/>')[0]) elif line.find('name=\"spectrum_index\"') != -1: featureDict[featureKey]['spectrum_index'] = line.split('value=\"')[1].split('\"/>')[0] elif line.find('name=\"spectrum_native_id\"') != -1: featureDict[featureKey]['spectrum_native_id'] = line.split('value=\"')[1].split('\"/>')[0] elif line.find('</feature>') != -1: #mzList = list() #for retentionTime,mz in featureDict[featureKey]['convexHullDict']['0']: # mzList.append(mz) featureDict[featureKey]['rt'] = featureDict[featureKey]['dim0']#numpy.median(retentionTimeList) featureDict[featureKey]['mz'] = featureDict[featureKey]['dim1']#numpy.median(mzList) readingFeature == False if line.find('<feature id') != -1: readingFeature = True featureKey = line.split('<feature id=\"')[1].split('\">')[0] featureDict[featureKey] = dict() featureDict[featureKey]['convexHullDict'] = dict() #retentionTimeList = list() return featureDict def _importDinosaurTsv(filelocation): """Reads a Dinosaur tsv file. :returns: {featureKey1: {attribute1:value1, attribute2:value2, ...}, ...} See also :func:`importPeptideFeatures` """ with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as openFile: #NOTE: this is pretty similar to importing percolator results, maybe unify in a common function lines = openFile.readlines() headerDict = dict([[y,x] for (x,y) in enumerate(lines[0].strip().split('\t'))]) featureDict = dict() for linePos, line in enumerate(lines[1:]): featureId = str(linePos) fields = line.strip().split('\t') entryDict = dict() for headerName, headerPos in viewitems(headerDict): entryDict[headerName] = float(fields[headerPos]) if headerName in ['rtApex', 'rtEnd', 'rtStart', 'fwhm']: #Covnert to seconds entryDict[headerName] *= 60 elif headerName in ['charge', 'intensitySum', 'nIsotopes', 'nScans', 'intensityApex']: entryDict[headerName] = int(entryDict[headerName]) featureDict[featureId] = entryDict return featureDict