maspy package


maspy.auxiliary module

A collection of helper functions used in different modules. Functions deal for example with saving files, encoding and decoding data in the json format, filtering of numpy arrays, data fitting, etc.

class maspy.auxiliary.DataFit(dependentVarInput, independentVarInput)[source]

Bases: object

#TODO: docstring

  • splines – #TODO: docstring
  • splineCycles – #TODO: docstring
  • splineMinKnotPoins – #TODO: docstring
  • splineOrder – #TODO: docstring
  • splineInitialKnots – #TODO: docstring
  • splineSubsetPercentage – #TODO: docstring
  • splineTerminalExpansion – #TODO: docstring
  • dependentVar – #TODO: docstring
  • independentVar – #TODO: docstring

#TODO: docstring

Parameters:inputArray – #TODO: docstring
Returns:#TODO docstring

#TODO: docstring

processInput(dataAveraging=False, windowSize=None)[source]

#TODO: docstring

  • dataAveraging – #TODO: docstring
  • windowSize – #TODO: docstring
class maspy.auxiliary.MaspyJsonEncoder(skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]

Bases: json.encoder.JSONEncoder

Extension of the json.JSONEncoder to serialize MasPy classes.

Maspy classes need to define a _reprJSON() method, which returns a json serializable object.

Returns:obj._reprJSON() if it is defined, else json.JSONEncoder.default(obj)
class maspy.auxiliary.Memoize(function)[source]

Bases: object

A general memoization class, specify a function when creating a new instance of the class. The functions return value is returned and stored in self.memo when the instance is called with an argument for the first time. Later calls with the same argument return the cached value, instead of calling the function again.

  • function – when Memoize is called this functions return value is returned.
  • memo – a dictionary that records the function return values of already called variables.
class maspy.auxiliary.PartiallySafeReplace[source]

Bases: object

Indirectly overwrite files by writing to temporary files and replacing them at once.

This is a context manager. When the context is entered, subsequently opened files will actually open temporary files. Each time the same file-path is opened, the same temporary file will be used.

When the context is closed, it will attempt to replace the original files with the content of the temporary files. Thus, several files can be prepared with less risk of data loss. Data loss is still possible if the replacement- operation fails (due to locking, not handled yet) or is interrupted.

open(filepath, mode='w+b')[source]

Opens a file - will actually return a temporary file but replace the original file when the context is closed.

maspy.auxiliary.applyArrayFilters(array, posL, posR, matchMask)[source]

#TODO: docstring

  • array – #TODO: docstring
  • posL – #TODO: docstring
  • posR – #TODO: docstring
  • matchMask – #TODO: docstring

numpy.array, a subset of the input array.

maspy.auxiliary.averagingData(array, windowSize=None, averagingType='median')[source]

#TODO: docstring

  • array – #TODO: docstring
  • windowSize – #TODO: docstring
  • averagingType – “median” or “mean”

#TODO: docstring

maspy.auxiliary.calcDeviationLimits(value, tolerance, mode)[source]

Returns the upper and lower deviation limits for a value and a given tolerance, either as relative or a absolute difference.

  • value – can be a single value or a list of values if a list of values is given, the minimal value will be used to calculate the lower limit and the maximum value to calculate the upper limit
  • tolerance – a number used to calculate the limits
  • mode – either absolute or relative, specifies how the tolerance should be applied to the value.
maspy.auxiliary.factorial = <maspy.auxiliary.Memoize object>

Returns the factorial of a number, the results of already calculated numbers are stored in factorial.memo

maspy.auxiliary.findAllSubstrings(string, substring)[source]

Returns a list of all substring starting positions in string or an empty list if substring is not present in string.

  • string – a template string
  • substring – a string, which is looked for in the string parameter.

a list of substring starting positions in the template string

maspy.auxiliary.joinpath(path, *paths)[source]

Join two or more pathname components, inserting “/” as needed and replacing all “” by “/”.

maspy.auxiliary.listFiletypes(targetfilename, directory)[source]

Looks for all occurences of a specified filename in a directory and returns a list of all present file extensions of this filename.

In this cas everything after the first dot is considered to be the file extension: "filename.txt" -> "txt", "" -> ""

  • targetfilename – a filename without any extensions
  • directory – only files present in this directory are compared to the targetfilename

a list of file extensions (str)

maspy.auxiliary.loadBinaryItemContainer(zippedfile, jsonHook)[source]

Imports binaryItems from a zipfile generated by writeBinaryItemContainer().

  • zipfile – can be either a path to a file (a string) or a file-like object
  • jsonHook – a custom decoding function for JSON formated strings of the binaryItems stored in the zipfile.

a dictionary containing binaryItems { binaryItem, ... }

maspy.auxiliary.log10factorial = <maspy.auxiliary.Memoize object>

Returns the log10 factorial of a number, the results of already calculated numbers are stored in log10factorial.memo

maspy.auxiliary.matchingFilePaths(targetfilename, directory, targetFileExtension=None, selector=None)[source]

Search for files in all subfolders of specified directory, return filepaths of all matching instances.

  • targetfilename – filename to search for, only the string before the last ”.” is used for filename matching. Ignored if a selector function is specified.
  • directory – search directory, including all subdirectories
  • targetFileExtension – string after the last ”.” in the filename, has to be identical if specified. ”.” in targetFileExtension are ignored, thus ”.txt” is treated equal to “txt”.
  • selector – a function which is called with the value of targetfilename and has to return True (include value) or False (discard value). If no selector is specified, equality to targetfilename is used.

list of matching file paths (str)

maspy.auxiliary.openSafeReplace(filepath, mode='w+b')[source]

Context manager to open a temporary file and replace the original file on closing.

maspy.auxiliary.returnArrayFilters(arr1, arr2, limitsArr1, limitsArr2)[source]

#TODO: docstring

  • arr1 – #TODO: docstring
  • arr2 – #TODO: docstring
  • limitsArr1 – #TODO: docstring
  • limitsArr2 – #TODO: docstring

#TODO: docstring

maspy.auxiliary.returnSplineList(dependentVar, independentVar, subsetPercentage=0.4, cycles=10, minKnotPoints=10, initialKnots=200, splineOrder=2, terminalExpansion=0.1)[source]

#TODO: docstring

Note: Expects sorted arrays.

  • dependentVar – #TODO: docstring
  • independentVar – #TODO: docstring
  • subsetPercentage – #TODO: docstring
  • cycles – #TODO: docstring
  • minKnotPoints – #TODO: docstring
  • initialKnots – #TODO: docstring
  • splineOrder – #TODO: docstring
  • terminalExpansion – expand subsets on both sides

#TODO: docstring

maspy.auxiliary.searchFileLocation(targetFileName, targetFileExtension, rootDirectory, recursive=True)[source]

Search for a filename with a specified file extension in all subfolders of specified rootDirectory, returns first matching instance.

  • targetFileName (str) – #TODO: docstring
  • rootDirectory (str) – #TODO: docstring
  • targetFileExtension (str) – #TODO: docstring
  • recursive – bool, specify whether subdirectories should be searched

a filepath (str) or None

maspy.auxiliary.toList(variable, types=(<class 'str'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'float'>))[source]

Converts a variable of type string, int, float to a list, containing the variable as the only element.

Parameters:variable ((str, int, float, others)) – any python object
Returns:[variable] or variable
maspy.auxiliary.tolerantArrayMatching(referenceArray, matchArray, matchTolerance, matchUnit)[source]

#TODO: docstring Note: arrays must be sorted

  • referenceArray – #TODO: docstring
  • matchArray – #TODO: docstring
  • matchTolerance – #TODO: docstring
  • matchUnit – #TODO: docstring

#TODO: docstring

#TODO: change matchUnit to “absolute”, “relative” and remove the “*1e-6”

maspy.auxiliary.writeBinaryItemContainer(filelike, binaryItemContainer, compress=True)[source]

Serializes the binaryItems contained in binaryItemContainer and writes them into a zipfile archive.

Examples of binaryItem classes are maspy.core.Ci and maspy.core.Sai. A binaryItem class has to define the function _reprJSON() which returns a JSON formated string representation of the class instance. In addition it has to contain an attribute .arrays, a dictionary which values are numpy.array, that are serialized to bytes and written to the binarydata file of the zip archive. See _dumpArrayDictToFile()

The JSON formated string representation of the binaryItems, together with the metadata, necessary to restore serialized numpy arrays, is written to the metadata file of the archive in this form: [[serialized binaryItem, [metadata of a numpy array, ...]], ...]

Use the method loadBinaryItemContainer() to restore a binaryItemContainer from a zipfile.

  • filelike – path to a file (str) or a file-like object
  • binaryItemContainer – a dictionary containing binaryItems
  • compress – bool, True to use zip file compression
maspy.auxiliary.writeJsonZipfile(filelike, data, compress=True, mode='w', name='data')[source]

Serializes the objects contained in data to a JSON formated string and writes it to a zipfile.

  • filelike – path to a file (str) or a file-like object
  • data – object that should be converted to a JSON formated string. Objects and types in data must be supported by the json.JSONEncoder or have the method ._reprJSON() defined.
  • compress – bool, True to use zip file compression
  • mode – ‘w’ to truncate and write a new file, or ‘a’ to append to an existing file
  • name – the file name that will be given to the JSON output in the archive

maspy.constants module

Contains frequently used variables and constants as for example the exact masses of atoms and amino acids or cleavage rules of the most common proteolytic enzymes.

maspy.constants.COMPOSITION = <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition' id='140644782688576'>

A Composition object stores a chemical composition of a substance. Basically, it is a dict object, with the names of chemical elements as keys and values equal to an integer number of atoms of the corresponding element in a substance.

The main improvement over dict is that Composition objects allow adding and subtraction. For details see pyteomics.mass.Composition.

maspy.constants.aaComp = {'G': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'C': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'S': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'P': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'K': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'M': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'A': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'Y': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'D': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'Q': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'E': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'I': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'W': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'H': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'F': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'N': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'L': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'V': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'R': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'T': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>}

A dictionary with elemental compositions of the twenty standard amino acid residues. This concept was inherited from pyteomics.mass.std_aa_comp.

maspy.constants.aaMass = {}

A dictionary with exact monoisotopic masses of the twenty standard amino acid residues. This concept was inherited from pyteomics.mass.std_aa_comp.

maspy.constants.aaModComp = {'u:35': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:27': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:1': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:1356': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:121': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:5': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:34': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:36': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:1020': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:188': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:199': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:4': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:7': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:3': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:21': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:28': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, '*': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'DSS': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>, 'u:374': <MagicMock name='mock.mass.Composition()' id='140644783178864'>}

A dictionary with elemental compositions of the peptide modifications. Modifications present at should be written as “u:X”, where X is the unimod accession number. If a modification is not present in unimod a text abbriviation should be used. This concept was inherited from pyteomics.mass.std_aa_comp.

TODO: in the future this table should be imported from two external files. The first is directly obtained from, the second contains user specified entries. It is also possible to specify a modification folder where multiple user specified files can be deposited for importing.

maspy.constants.aaModMass = {}

A dictionary with exact monoisotopic masses of peptide modifications.

maspy.constants.expasy_rules = {'thermolysin': '[^DE](?=[AFILMV])', 'pepsin ph1.3': '((?<=[^HKR][^P])[^R](?=[FLWY][^P]))|((?<=[^HKR][^P])[FLWY](?=\\w[^P]))', 'proline endopeptidase': '(?<=[HKR])P(?=[^P])', 'arg-c': 'R', 'glutamyl endopeptidase': 'E', 'trypsin': '([KR](?=[^P]))|((?<=W)K(?=P))|((?<=M)R(?=P))', 'caspase 7': '(?<=DEV)D(?=[^PEDQKR])', 'proteinase k': '[AEFILTVWY]', 'bnps-skatole': 'W', 'enterokinase': '(?<=[DE]{3})K', 'hydroxylamine': 'N(?=G)', 'cnbr': 'M', 'caspase 2': '(?<=DVA)D(?=[^PEDQKR])', 'asp-n': '\\w(?=D)', 'caspase 9': '(?<=LEH)D', 'caspase 8': '(?<=[IL]ET)D(?=[^PEDQKR])', 'factor xa': '(?<=[AFGILTVM][DE]G)R', 'ntcb': '\\w(?=C)', 'caspase 5': '(?<=[LW]EH)D', 'caspase 4': '(?<=LEV)D(?=[^PEDQKR])', 'granzyme b': '(?<=IEP)D', 'formic acid': 'D', 'pepsin ph2.0': '((?<=[^HKR][^P])[^R](?=[FL][^P]))|((?<=[^HKR][^P])[FL](?=\\w[^P]))', 'chymotrypsin high specificity': '([FY](?=[^P]))|(W(?=[^MP]))', 'clostripain': 'R', 'staphylococcal peptidase i': '(?<=[^E])E', 'caspase 3': '(?<=DMQ)D(?=[^PEDQKR])', 'chymotrypsin low specificity': '([FLY](?=[^P]))|(W(?=[^MP]))|(M(?=[^PY]))|(H(?=[^DMPW]))', 'trypsin simple': '[KR]', 'thrombin': '((?<=G)R(?=G))|((?<=[AFGILTVM][AFGILTVWA]P)R(?=[^DE][^DE]))', 'iodosobenzoic acid': 'W', 'caspase 6': '(?<=VE[HI])D(?=[^PEDQKR])', 'caspase 1': '(?<=[FWYL]\\w[HAT])D(?=[^PEDQKR])', 'caspase 10': '(?<=IEA)D', 'lysc': 'K'}

The dictionary expasy_rules contains regular expressions for cleavage rules of the most popular proteolytic enzymes. The rules were copied from Pyteomics and initially taken from the PeptideCutter tool at Expasy.

maspy.core module

The core module contains python classes to represent spectra, peptide spectrum matches and peptide LC-MS features, and containers which manage storage, data access, saving and loading of these data types.

class maspy.core.Ci(identifier, specfile)[source]

Bases: object

Chromatogram item (Ci), representation of a mzML chromatogram.

  • id – The unique id of this chromatogram. Typically descriptive for the chromatogram, eg “TIC” (total ion current). Is used together with self.specfile as a key to access the spectrum in its container MsrunContainer.cic.
  • specfile – An id representing a group of spectra, typically of the same mzML file / ms-run.
  • id
  • dataProcessingRef – This attribute can optionally reference the ‘id’ of the appropriate dataProcessing, from mzML.
  • precursor – The method of precursor ion selection and activation, from mzML.
  • product – The method of product ion selection and activation in a precursor ion scan, from mzML.
  • params – A list of parameter tuple, #TODO: as described elsewhere
  • arrays – a dictionary containing the binary data of a chromatogram as numpy.array. Keys are derived from the specified mzML cvParam, see maspy.xml.findBinaryDataType(). Typically contains at least a time parameter rt (retention time) Ci.arrays = {'rt': numpy.array(), ...}
  • arrayInfo

    dictionary describing each data type present in .arrays.

    {dataType: {'dataProcessingRef': str,
                'params': [paramTuple, paramTuple, ...]

    code example:

    {u'i': {u'dataProcessingRef': None,
            u'params': [('MS:1000521', '', None),
                        ('MS:1000574', '', None),
                        ('MS:1000515', '', 'MS:1000131')
     u'rt': {u'dataProcessingRef': None,
             u'params': [('MS:1000523', '', None),
                         ('MS:1000574', '', None),
                         ('MS:1000595', '', 'UO:0000031')
static jsonHook(encoded)[source]

Custom JSON decoder that allows construction of a new Ci instance from a decoded JSON object.

Parameters:encoded – a JSON decoded object literal (a dict)
Returns:“encoded” or one of the these objects: Ci, MzmlProduct, MzmlPrecursor
class maspy.core.Fi(identifier, specfile)[source]

Bases: object

Feature item (Fi), representation of a peptide LC-MS feature.

  • id – the unique identifier of a LC-MS feature, as generated by the software used for extracting features from MS1 spectra.
  • specfile – An id representing an mzML file / ms-run filename.
  • rt – a representative retention time value of the Fi (in seconds). For example the retention time of the feature apex.
  • mz – a representative mass to charge value of the Fi (in Dalton / charge). For example the average m/z value of all data points.
  • charge – the Fi charge state
  • intensity – a meassure for the Fi abundance, used for relative quantification. Typically the area of the feature intensity over time.
  • isValid – bool or None if not specified this attribute can be used to flag if a Fi has passed a given quality threshold. Can be used to filter valid elements in eg FiContainer.getArrays().
  • isMatched – bool or None if not specified True if any Si or Sii elements could be matched. Should be set to False on import.
  • isAnnotated – bool or None if not specified True if any Sii elements could be matched. Should be set to False on import. Not sure yet how to handle annotation from other features.
  • siIds – list of tuple(specfile, id) from matched Si
  • siiIds – list of tuple(specfile, id) from matched Sii
  • peptide – peptide sequence containing amino acid modifications. If multiple peptide sequences are possible due to multiple Sii matches the most likely must be chosen. A simple and accepted way to do this is by choosing the Sii identification with the best score.
  • sequence – the plain amino acid sequence of self.peptide
  • bestScore – the score of the acceppted Sii for annotation
static jsonHook(encoded)[source]

Custom JSON decoder that allows construction of a new Fi instance from a decoded JSON object.

Parameters:encoded – a JSON decoded object literal (a dict)
Returns:“encoded” or Fi
class maspy.core.FiContainer[source]

Bases: object

Conainer for Fi elements.

  • container

    contains the stored Fi elements.

    {specfilename: {'Fi identifier': [Fi, ...], ...}
  • info

    a dictionary containing information about imported specfiles.

    {specfilename: {'path': str},

    path: folder location used by the FiContainer to save and load data to the hard disk.

addSpecfile(specfiles, path)[source]

Prepares the container for loading fic files by adding specfile entries to Use FiContainer.load() afterwards to actually import the files.

  • specfiles (str or [str, str, ..]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names
  • path – filedirectory used for loading and saving fic files
getArrays(attr=None, specfiles=None, sort=False, reverse=False, selector=None, defaultValue=None)[source]

Return a condensed array of data selected from Fi instances from self.container for fast and convenient data processing.

  • attr – list of Fi item attributes that should be added to the returned array. The attributes “id” and “specfile” are always included, in combination they serve as a unique id.
  • defaultValue – if an item is missing an attribute, the “defaultValue” is added to the array instead.
  • specfiles (str or [str, str, ..]) – filenames of ms-run files - if specified return only items from those files
  • sort – if “sort” is specified the returned list of items is sorted according to the Fi attribute specified by “sort”, if the attribute is not present the item is skipped.
  • reverse – bool, set True to reverse sort order
  • selector – a function which is called with each Fi item and has to return True (include item) or False (discard item). Default function is: lambda si: True. By default only items with Fi.isValid == True are returned.

{‘attribute1’: numpy.array(), ‘attribute2’: numpy.array(), ... }

getItem(specfile, identifier)[source]

Returns a Fi instance from self.container.

  • specfile – a ms-run file name
  • identifier – item identifier


getItems(specfiles=None, sort=False, reverse=False, selector=None)[source]

Generator that yields filtered and/or sorted Fi instances from self.container.

  • specfiles (str or [str, str, ..]) – filenames of ms-run files - if specified return only items from those files
  • sort – if “sort” is specified the returned list of items is sorted according to the Fi attribute specified by “sort”, if the attribute is not present the item is skipped.
  • reverse – bool, True reverses the sort order
  • selector – a function which is called with each Fi item and has to return True (include item) or False (discard item). By default only items with Fi.isValid == True are returned.

items from container that passed the selector function


Imports the specified fic files from the hard disk.

Parameters:specfiles (None, str, [str, str]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.

Remove all annotation information from Fi elements.

Parameters:specfiles (None, str, [str, str]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.

Completely removes the specified specfiles from the FiContainer.

Parameters:specfiles – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names.
save(specfiles=None, compress=True, path=None)[source]

Writes the specified specfiles to fic files on the hard disk.


If .save() is called and no fic files are present in the specified path new files are generated, otherwise old files are replaced.

  • specfiles – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.
  • compress – bool, True to use zip file compression
  • path – filedirectory to which the fic files are written. By default the parameter is set to None and the filedirectory is read from[specfile]['path']
setPath(folderpath, specfiles=None)[source]

Changes the folderpath of the specified specfiles. The folderpath is used for saving and loading of fic files.

  • specfiles (None, str, [str, str]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.
  • folderpath – a filedirectory
class maspy.core.MsrunContainer[source]

Bases: object

Container for mass spectrometry data (eg MS1 and MS2 spectra), provides full support for mzML files, see mzML schema documentation.

  • rmc – “run metadata container”, contains mzML metadata elements from the mzML file as a lxml.etree.Element object. This comprises all mzML subelements, except for the run` element subelements spectrumList and chromatogramList.
  • cic – “chromatogram item container”, see Ci
  • smic – “spectrum metadata item container”, see Smi
  • saic – “spectrum array item container”, see Sai
  • sic – “spectrum item container”, see Si
  • info

    contains information about the imported specfiles.

    {specfilename: {'path': str,
                    'status': {u'ci': bool, u'rm': bool, u'sai': bool,
                               u'si': bool, u'smi': bool}

    path contains information about the filelocation used for saving and loading msrun files in the maspy dataformat. status describes which datatypes are currently imported.

    code example:

    {u'JD_06232014_sample1_A': {u'path': u'C:/filedirectory',
                                u'status': {u'ci': True, u'rm': True,
                                            u'sai': True, u'si': True,
                                            u'smi': True


The structure of the containers rmc, cic, smic, saic and sic is always: {"specfilename": {"itemId": item, ...}, ...}

addSpecfile(specfiles, path)[source]

Prepares the container for loading mrc files by adding specfile entries to Use MsrunContainer.load() afterwards to actually import the files

  • specfiles (str or [str, str, ..]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names
  • path – filedirectory used for loading and saving mrc files
getArrays(attr=None, specfiles=None, sort=False, reverse=False, selector=None, defaultValue=None)[source]

Return a condensed array of data selected from Si instances from self.sic for fast and convenient data processing.

  • attr – list of Si item attributes that should be added to the returned array. The attributes “id” and “specfile” are always included, in combination they serve as a unique id.
  • defaultValue – if an item is missing an attribute, the “defaultValue” is added to the array instead.
  • specfiles (str or [str, str, ..]) – filenames of ms-run files, if specified return only items from those files
  • sort – if “sort” is specified the returned list of items is sorted according to the Si attribute specified by “sort”, if the attribute is not present the item is skipped.
  • reverse – bool, set True to reverse sort order
  • selector – a function which is called with each Si item and has to return True (include item) or False (discard item). Default function is: lambda si: True

{‘attribute1’: numpy.array(), ‘attribute2’: numpy.array(), ... }

getItem(specfile, identifier)[source]

Returns a Si instance from self.sic.

  • specfile – a ms-run file name
  • identifier – item identifier


getItems(specfiles=None, sort=False, reverse=False, selector=None)[source]

Generator that yields filtered and/or sorted Si instances from self.sic.

  • specfiles (str or [str, str, ..]) – filenames of ms-run files - if specified return only items from those files
  • sort – if “sort” is specified the returned list of items is sorted according to the Si attribute specified by “sort”, if the attribute is not present the item is skipped.
  • reverse – bool, True reverses the sort order
  • selector – a function which is called with each Si item and returns True (include item) or False (discard item). Default function is: lambda si: True

items from container that passed the selector function

load(specfiles=None, rm=False, ci=False, smi=False, sai=False, si=False)[source]

Import the specified datatypes from mrc files on the hard disk.

  • specfiles (None, str, [str, str]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.
  • rm – bool, True to import mrc_rm (run metadata)
  • ci – bool, True to import mrc_ci (chromatogram items)
  • smi – bool, True to import mrc_smi (spectrum metadata items)
  • sai – bool, True to import mrc_sai (spectrum array items)
  • si – bool, True to import mrc_si (spectrum items)
removeData(specfiles=None, rm=False, ci=False, smi=False, sai=False, si=False)[source]

Removes the specified datatypes of the specfiles from the msrunContainer. To completely remove a specfile use MsrunContainer.removeSpecfile(), which also removes the complete entry from

  • specfiles (None, str, [str, str]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.
  • rm – bool, True to select self.rmc
  • ci – bool, True to select self.cic
  • smi – bool, True to select self.smic
  • sai – bool, True to select self.saic
  • si – bool, True to select self.sic

Completely removes the specified specfiles from the msrunContainer.

Parameters:specfiles (str, [str, str]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.
save(specfiles=None, rm=False, ci=False, smi=False, sai=False, si=False, compress=True, path=None)[source]

Writes the specified datatypes to mrc files on the hard disk.


If .save() is called and no mrc files are present in the specified path new files are generated, otherwise old files are replaced.

  • specfiles (None, str, [str, str]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.
  • rm – bool, True to select self.rmc (run metadata)
  • ci – bool, True to select self.cic (chromatogram items)
  • smi – bool, True to select self.smic (spectrum metadata items)
  • sai – bool, True to select self.saic (spectrum array items)
  • si – bool, True to select self.sic (spectrum items)
  • compress – bool, True to use zip file compression
  • path – filedirectory to which the mrc files are written. By default the parameter is set to None and the filedirectory is read from[specfile]['path']
setPath(folderpath, specfiles=None)[source]

Changes the folderpath of the specified specfiles. The folderpath is used for saving and loading of mrc files.

  • specfiles (None, str, [str, str]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.
  • folderpath – a filedirectory
class maspy.core.MzmlPrecursor(spectrumRef=None, activation=None, isolationWindow=None, selectedIonList=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

MasPy representation of an mzML Scan element, see mzML schema documentation.

  • spectrumRef – native id of the spectrum corresponding to the precursor spectrum
  • activation – the mzML activation is represented as a tuple of param tuples. It is describing the type and energy level used for activation and should not be changed.
  • isolationWindow – the mzML isolationWindow is represented as a tuple of parm tuples. It is describing the measurement and should not be changed.
  • selectedIonList – a list of mzML selectedIon elements, which are represented as a tuple of param tuples.


The attributes “sourceFileRef” and “externalSpectrumID” are not supported by MasPy on purpose, since they are only used to refere to scans which are external to the mzML file.

class maspy.core.MzmlProduct(isolationWindow=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

MasPy representation of an mzML Product element, the mzML schema documentation does however not provide a lot of information how this element is intended to be used and which information can be present.

Variables:isolationWindow – the mzML isolationWindow is represented as a tuple of parm tuples. It is describing the measurement and should not be changed.
class maspy.core.MzmlScan(scanWindowList=None, params=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

MasPy representation of an mzML Scan element, see mzML schema documentation.

  • scanWindowList – a list of mzML scanWindow elements, which are represented as a tuple of parm tuples. The mzML scanWindowList is describing the measurement and should not be changed.
  • params – a list of parameter tuple (cvParam tuple, userParam tuple or referencableParamGroup tuple) of an mzML Scan element.


The attributes “sourceFileRef” and “externalSpectrumID” are not supported by MasPy on purpose, since they are only used to refere to scans which are external to the mzML file. The attribute “spectrumRef” could be included but seems kind of useless.

The attribute “instrumentConfigurationRef” should be included though: #TODO.

class maspy.core.Sai(identifier, specfile)[source]

Bases: object

Spectrum array item (Sai), representation of the binary data arrays of an mzML spectrum.

  • id – The unique id of this spectrum, typically the scan number. Is used together with self.specfile as a key to access the spectrum in its container MsrunContainer.saic. Should be derived from the spectrums nativeID format (MS:1000767).
  • specfile – An id representing a group of spectra, typically of the same mzML file / ms-run.
  • arrays – a dictionary containing the binary data of the recorded ion spectrum as numpy.array. Keys are derived from the specified mzML cvParam, see maspy.xml.findBinaryDataType(). Must at least contain the keys mz (mass to charge ratio) and i (intensity). Sai.arrays = {'mz': numpy.array(), 'i': numpy.array(), ...}
  • arrayInfo

    dictionary describing each data type present in .arrays.

    {dataType: {'dataProcessingRef': str,
                'params': [paramTuple, paramTuple, ...]

    code example:

    {u'i': {u'dataProcessingRef': None,
            u'params': [('MS:1000521', '', None),
                        ('MS:1000574', '', None),
                        ('MS:1000515', '', 'MS:1000131')]},
     u'mz': {u'dataProcessingRef': None,
             u'params': [('MS:1000523', '', None),
                         ('MS:1000574', '', None),
                         ('MS:1000514', '', 'MS:1000040')]}}
static jsonHook(encoded)[source]

Custom JSON decoder that allows construction of a new Sai instance from a decoded JSON object.

Parameters:encoded – a JSON decoded object literal (a dict)
Returns:“encoded” or Sai
class maspy.core.Si(identifier, specfile)[source]

Bases: object

Spectrum item (Si) - this is the spectrum representation intended to be used in maspy. A simplified representation of spectrum metadata. Contains only specifically imported attributes, which are necessary for data analysis. Does not follow any PSI data structure or name space rules.

Additional attributes can be transferred from the corresponding Smi entry. This is done by default when importing an mzML file by using the function maspy.reader.defaultFetchSiAttrFromSmi().

  • id – The unique id of this spectrum, typically the scan number. Is used together with self.specfile as a key to access the spectrum in its container MsrunContainer.sic. Should be derived from the spectrums nativeID format (MS:1000767).
  • specfile – An id representing a group of spectra, typically of the same mzML file / ms-run.
  • isValid – bool, can be used for filtering.
  • msLevel – stage of ms level in a multi stage mass spectrometry experiment.
static jsonHook(encoded)[source]

Custom JSON decoder that allows construction of a new Si instance from a decoded JSON object.

Parameters:encoded – a JSON decoded object literal (a dict)
Returns:“encoded” or Si
class maspy.core.Sii(identifier, specfile)[source]

Bases: object

Spectrum identification item (Sii) - representation of an MSn fragment spectrum annotation, also referred to as peptide spectrum match (PSM).

  • id – The unique id of this spectrum, typically the scan number. Is used together with self.specfile as a key to access the spectrum in its container SiiContainer or the corresponding spectrum in a MsrunContainer.
  • specfile – An id representing an mzML file / ms-run filename.
  • rank – The rank of this Sii compared to others for the same MSn spectrum. The rank is based on a score defined in the SiiContainer. If multiple Sii have the same top score, they should all be assigned self.rank = 1.
  • isValid – bool or None if not specified this attribute can be used to flag if a Sii has passed a given quality threshold or has been validated as correct. Is used to filter valid elements in eg SiiContainer.getArrays().
static jsonHook(encoded)[source]

Custom JSON decoder that allows construction of a new Sii instance from a decoded JSON object.

Parameters:encoded – a JSON decoded object literal (a dict)
Returns:“encoded” or Sii
class maspy.core.SiiContainer[source]

Bases: object

Conainer for Sii elements.

  • container

    contains the stored Sii elements.

    {specfilename: {'Sii identifier': [Sii, ...], ...}
  • info

    a dictionary containing information about imported specfiles.

    {specfilename: {'path': str, 'qcAttr': str, 'qcLargerBetter': bool,
                    'qcCutoff': float, 'rankAttr': str,
                    'rankLargerBetter': bool

    path: folder location used by the SiiContainer to save and load data to the hard disk.

    qcAttr: name of the parameter to define a quality cutoff. Typically this is some sort of a global false positive estimator (eg FDR)

    qcLargerBetter: bool, True if a large value for the .qcAttr means a higher confidence.

    qcCutoff: float, the quality threshold for the specifed .qcAttr

    rankAttr: name of the parameter used for ranking Sii according to how well they match to a fragment ion spectrum, in the case when their are multiple Sii present for the same spectrum.

    rankLargerBetter: bool, True if a large value for the .rankAttr means a better match to the fragment ion spectrum


In the future this container may be integrated in an evidence or an mzIdentML like container.

addSiInfo(msrunContainer, specfiles=None, attributes=['obsMz', 'rt', 'charge'])[source]

Transfer attributes to Sii elements from the corresponding :class`Si` in MsrunContainer.sic. If an attribute is not present in the Si the attribute value in the Sii``is set to ``None.

Attribute examples: ‘obsMz’, ‘rt’, ‘charge’, ‘tic’, ‘iit’, ‘ms1Id’

  • msrunContainer – an instance of MsrunContainer which has imported the corresponding specfiles
  • specfiles – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.
  • attributes – a list of Si attributes that should be transfered.
addSpecfile(specfiles, path)[source]

Prepares the container for loading siic files by adding specfile entries to Use SiiContainer.load() afterwards to actually import the files.

  • specfiles (str or [str, str, ..]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names
  • path – filedirectory used for loading and saving siic files
calcMz(specfiles=None, guessCharge=True, obsMzKey='obsMz')[source]

Calculate the exact mass for Sii elements from the Sii.peptide sequence.

  • specfiles – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.
  • guessCharge – bool, True if the charge should be guessed if the attribute charge is missing from Sii. Uses the calculated peptide mass and the observed m/z value to calculate the charge.
  • obsMzKey – attribute name of the observed m/z value in Sii.
getArrays(attr=None, specfiles=None, sort=False, reverse=False, selector=None, defaultValue=None)[source]

Return a condensed array of data selected from Sii instances from self.container for fast and convenient data processing.

  • attr – list of Sii item attributes that should be added to the returned array. The attributes “id” and “specfile” are always included, in combination they serve as a unique id.
  • defaultValue – if an item is missing an attribute, the “defaultValue” is added to the array instead.
  • specfiles (str or [str, str, ..]) – filenames of ms-run files - if specified return only items from those files
  • sort – if “sort” is specified the returned list of items is sorted according to the Sii attribute specified by “sort”, if the attribute is not present the item is skipped.
  • reverse – bool, set True to reverse sort order
  • selector – a function which is called with each Sii item and has to return True (include item) or False (discard item). Default function is: lambda si: True. By default only items with Sii.isValid == True are returned.

{‘attribute1’: numpy.array(), ‘attribute2’: numpy.array(), ... }

getItems(specfiles=None, sort=False, reverse=False, selector=None)[source]

Generator that yields filtered and/or sorted Sii instances from self.container.

  • specfiles (str or [str, str, ..]) – filenames of ms-run files - if specified return only items from those files
  • sort – if “sort” is specified the returned list of items is sorted according to the Sii attribute specified by “sort”, if the attribute is not present the item is skipped.
  • reverse – bool, True reverses the sort order
  • selector – a function which is called with each Sii item and has to return True (include item) or False (discard item). By default only items with Sii.isValid == True are returned.

items from container that passed the selector function

getValidItem(specfile, identifier)[source]

Returns a Sii instance from self.container if it is valid, if all elements of self.container[specfile][identifier] are ``Sii.isValid == False then None is returned.

  • specfile – a ms-run file name
  • identifier – item identifier

Sii or None


Imports siic files from the hard disk.

Parameters:specfiles (None, str, [str, str]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.

Completely removes the specified specfiles from the SiiContainer.

Parameters:specfiles – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names.
save(specfiles=None, compress=True, path=None)[source]

Writes the specified specfiles to siic files on the hard disk.


If .save() is called and no siic files are present in the specified path new files are generated, otherwise old files are replaced.

  • specfiles – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.
  • compress – bool, True to use zip file compression
  • path – filedirectory to which the siic files are written. By default the parameter is set to None and the filedirectory is read from[specfile]['path']
setPath(folderpath, specfiles=None)[source]

Changes the folderpath of the specified specfiles. The folderpath is used for saving and loading of siic files.

  • folderpath – a filedirectory
  • specfiles (None, str, [str, str]) – the name of an ms-run file or a list of names. If None all specfiles are selected.
class maspy.core.Smi(identifier, specfile)[source]

Bases: object

Spectrum metadata item (Smi), representation of all the metadata data of an mzML spectrum, excluding the actual binary data.

For details on the mzML spectrum element refer to the documentation,.

  • id – The unique id of this spectrum, typically the scan number. Is used together with self.specfile as a key to access the spectrum in its container MsrunContainer.smic. Should be derived from the spectrums nativeID format (MS:1000767).
  • specfile – An id representing a group of spectra, typically of the same mzML file / ms-run.
  • attributes – dict, attributes of an mzML spectrum element
  • params – a list of parameter tuple (cvParam tuple, userParam tuple or referencableParamGroup tuple) of an mzML spectrum element.
  • scanListParams – a list of parameter tuple (cvParam tuple, userParam tuple or referencableParamGroup tuple) of an mzML scanList element.
  • scanList – a list of MzmlScan elements, derived from elements of an an mzML scanList element.
  • precursorList – a list of MzmlPrecursor elements, derived from elements of an an mzML precursorList element.
  • productList – a list of MzmlProduct elements, derived from elements of an an mzML productList element.


The Smi is used to generate spectrum xml elements by using the function maspy.writer.xmlSpectrumFromSmi(). In order to generate a valid mzML element all attributes of Smi have to be in the correct format. Therefore it is highly recommended to only use properly implemented and tested methods for making changes to any Smi attribute.

static jsonHook(encoded)[source]

Custom JSON decoder that allows construction of a new Smi instance from a decoded JSON object.

Parameters:encoded – a JSON decoded object literal (a dict)
Returns:“encoded” or one of the these objects: Smi, MzmlScan, MzmlProduct, MzmlPrecursor
maspy.core.addMsrunContainers(mainContainer, subContainer)[source]

Adds the complete content of all specfile entries from the subContainer to the mainContainer. However if a specfile of is already present in its contents are not added to the mainContainer.



does not generate new items, all items added to the mainContainer are still present in the subContainer and changes made to elements of one container also affects the elements of the other one (ie elements share same memory location).

maspy.errors module

#TODO: module description

exception maspy.errors.FileFormatError[source]

Bases: RuntimeError

This exception is raised when a wrong file type is encountered.

maspy.featuremethods module

#TODO: module description

maspy.featuremethods.matchToFeatures(fiContainer, specContainer, specfiles=None, fMassKey='mz', sMassKey='obsMz', isotopeErrorList=0, precursorTolerance=5, toleranceUnit='ppm', rtExpansionUp=0.1, rtExpansionDown=0.05, matchCharge=True, scoreKey='pep', largerBetter=False)[source]

Annotate Fi (Feature items) by matching Si (Spectrum items) or Sii (Spectrum identification items).

  • fiContainermaspy.core.FeatureContainer, contains Fi.
  • specContainermaspy.core.MsrunContainer or maspy.core.SiiContainer, contains Si or Sii.
  • specfiles (str, list or None) – filenames of ms-run files, if specified consider only items from those files
  • fMassKey – mass attribute key in Fi.__dict__
  • sMassKey – mass attribute key in Si.__dict__ or Sii.__dict__ (eg ‘obsMz’, ‘excMz’)
  • isotopeErrorList (list or tuple of int) – allowed isotope errors relative to the spectrum mass, for example “0” or “1”. If no feature has been matched with isotope error 0, the spectrum mass is increased by the mass difference of carbon isotopes 12 and 13 and matched again. The different isotope error values are tested in the specified order therefore “0” should normally be the first value of the list.
  • precursorTolerance – the largest allowed mass deviation of Si or Sii relative to Fi
  • toleranceUnit – defines how the precursorTolerance is applied to the mass value of Fi. "ppm": mass * (1 +/- tolerance*1E-6) or "da": mass +/- value
  • rtExpansionUp – relative upper expansion of Fi retention time area. limitHigh = Fi.rtHigh + (Fi.rtHigh - Fi.rtLow) * rtExpansionUp
  • rtExpansionDown – relative lower expansion of Fi retention time area. limitLow = Fi.rtLow - (Fi.rtHigh - Fi.rtLow) * rtExpansionDown
  • matchCharge – bool, True if Fi and Si or Sii must have the same charge state to be matched.
  • scoreKeySii attribute name used for scoring the identification reliability
  • largerBetter – bool, True if higher score value means a better identification reliability

#TODO: this function is nested pretty badly and should maybe be rewritten #TODO: replace tolerance unit “ppm” by tolerance mode “relative” and change

repsective calculations
maspy.featuremethods.rtCalibration(fiContainer, allowedRtDev=60, allowedMzDev=2.5, reference=None, specfiles=None, showPlots=False, plotDir=None, minIntensity=100000.0)[source]

Performs a retention time calibration between FeatureItem of multiple specfiles.

  • fiContainer – Perform alignment on FeatureItem in FeatureContainer.specfiles
  • allowedRtDev – maxium retention time difference of two features in two runs to be matched
  • allowedMzDev – maxium relative m/z difference (in ppm) of two features in two runs to be matched
  • showPlots – boolean, True if a plot should be generated which shows to results of the calibration
  • plotDir – if not None and showPlots is True, the plots are saved to this location.
  • reference – Can be used to specifically specify a reference specfile
  • specfiles – Limit alignment to those specfiles in the fiContainer
  • minIntensity – consider only features with an intensity above this value

maspy.inference module

The module “inference” is still in development. The interface of high and low level functions is not yet stable!

This module allows a simple protein inference; reporting a minimal set of proteins that can explain a set of peptides; defining shared und unique peptides; defining proteins that share equal evidence, protein subgroups and subsumable proteins. In addition it should provide an interface that allows convenient selection of observed peptides that can be used for quantification.

About protein groups:

In shotgun proteomics proteins are not directly analyzed, but via peptides generated by proteolytic digestion. Some of these peptides can’t be unambiguously mapped to one single protein because of sequence homology between proteins.

As a consequence, it is often not possible to determine the exact set of proteins that have generated the observed peptides. The general aim of protein grouping is to group proteins with shared evidence together to reduce redundancy and simplify data analysis and interpretation. The result of protein grouping not only contains protein groups, but also information about the relation of proteins and the ambiguity of peptides. This also simplifies inspection of the observed evidence that indicate the presence of a protein.

There is however no consensus in the proteomics community how a protein group is defined. One approach is to group proteins together which observed peptide sets have a subset or sameset relation. Another possibility is to generate protein groups in a way, that they reflect the minimal number of proteins that can completely account for all observed peptides.

A mapping based protein grouping algorithm:

Protein groups, as generated by the function mappingBasedGrouping(), can be defined as a set of proteins, with sameset and subset relations. Each of these protein sets is essential to explain the presence of at least one peptide. In addition, proteins that share information with multiple groups, but are not a subset of any protein present in one of the groups, are assosicated with these groups as subsumable proteins.

Principle of the grouping algorithm:
  • All samset proteins are merged and subset proteins are removed
  • Each unique protein generates a new protein group. This group contains all sameset and subset proteins of the group leading proteins. All peptides mapped to these proteins are considered to be group peptides. (A unique protein is mapped to at least least one peptide that is mapped to only one protein.)
  • Remaining peptides that are not explained by any group yet are seeds for the generation of new groups. All these peptides are still mapped to at least two proteins. The function _findRedundantProteins() generates a set of proteins that is considered as redundant. After removing these redundant proteins, all remaining peptides become unique. Proteins mapped to these peptides generate groups as described before.
  • Proteins that share peptides with multiple groups, but are not a subset of the group leading proteins are associated as susumable proteins.
Protein grouping example data:

See unit test module ../tests/ A grafical representation of the example data and the expected results, generated by the function mappingBasedGrouping(), can be found here:


import maspy.inference

proteinToPeptides = {

‘01_P1’: {‘01_p1’, ‘01_p2’}, ‘02_P1’: {‘02_p1’, ‘02_p2’}, ‘02_P2’: {‘02_p2’}, ‘03_P1’: {‘03_p1’, ‘03_p2’}, ‘03_P2’: {‘03_p1’, ‘03_p2’}, ‘04_P1’: {‘04_p1’, ‘04_p2’}, ‘04_P2’: {‘04_p1’, ‘04_p2’}, ‘04_P3’: {‘04_p2’}, ‘05_P1’: {‘05_p1’, ‘05_p2’, ‘05_p3’}, ‘05_P2’: {‘05_p1’, ‘05_p4’}, ‘05_P3’: {‘05_p2’, ‘05_p3’, ‘05_p4’}, ‘06_P1’: {‘06_p1’, ‘06_p2’, ‘06_p3’}, ‘06_P2’: {‘06_p2’, ‘06_p3’}, ‘06_P3’: {‘06_p2’, ‘06_p4’}, ‘06_P4’: {‘06_p2’, ‘06_p3’, ‘06_p4’}, ‘06_P5’: {‘06_p2’, ‘06_p4’}, ‘07_P1’: {‘07_p1’, ‘07_p2’}, ‘07_P2’: {‘07_p1’, ‘07_p3’, ‘07_p4’}, ‘07_P3’: {‘07_p2’, ‘07_p3’}, ‘07_P4’: {‘07_p3’, ‘07_p5’}, ‘08_P1’: {‘08_p1’, ‘08_p2’}, ‘08_P2’: {‘08_p3’, ‘08_p4’}, ‘08_P3’: {‘08_p2’, ‘08_p3’}, ‘09_P1’: {‘09_p1’, ‘09_p3’, ‘09_p4’, ‘09_p5’, ‘09_p7’}, ‘09_P2’: {‘09_p1’, ‘09_p2’}, ‘09_P3’: {‘09_p2’, ‘09_p3’}, ‘09_P4’: {‘09_p5’, ‘09_p6’}, ‘09_P5’: {‘09_p6’, ‘09_p7’}, ‘10_P1’: {‘10_p1’, ‘10_p2’}, ‘10_P2’: {‘10_p3’, ‘10_p4’, ‘10_p5’}, ‘10_P3’: {‘10_p2’, ‘10_p3’}, ‘10_P4’: {‘10_p2’, ‘10_p3’, ‘10_p4’}, }

inference = maspy.inference.mappingBasedGrouping(proteinToPeptides)

Hypothesis testing

Add a private function that can be used to performs hypothesis tests. These tests comprise the evaluation of some general assumptions about the grouping results. - Group representatives should contain all group peptides (not included

are peptides from subsumable proteins).

  • Peptides of a subsumable protein should not be fully covered by non- subsumable proteins of one single group.
  • Group peptides of all the groups of a subsumable protein should contain all peptides of the respective subsumable protein.
function mappingBasedGrouping()
  • Processing of individual clusters can be put into a function
  • Processing of groupInitiatingProteins, redundantProteins and subsetProteins can be put into function
  • The First part that defines various sets of proteins can be put into a function
  • Finally remove asserts
  • Maybe it is not necessary to work with merged proteins, after defining them...
  • Test if all clusters are properly stored: see inference.clusters and inference._proteinToClusterId

Whenever possible, we use the PSI-MS ontology terms to describe protein groups and protein relationships. However, in order to be less ambiguous some of the terms are more strictly defined in maspy or used in a slightly different context. The details of used terms are described below.

Protein cluster (proteinCluster)

A protein cluster comprises all proteins that are somehow linked by shared peptide evidence. (related to PSI-MS MS:1002407)

Protein group (proteinGroup)

A group of proteins that are essential to explain at least one peptide. A protein group consists of its leading, subset and subsumable proteins. However, subsumable proteins are more loosely associated with the group. The common peptide evidence of a group is the sum of all its leading and subset proteins. As a consequence, all leading and subset proteins must be a sameset or a subset of the protein groups common peptide evidence.

Representative protein (representative)

Each protein group must have exactle one representative protein. This protein must be amongst the leading proteins of the group. (identical to PSI-MS MS:1002403)

Leading protein (leading)

Each protein group must have at least one leading protein, to indicate proteins with the strongest evidence. (identical to PSI-MS MS:1002401) All proteins present in a protein group that are not leading proteins can be considered to be non-leading proteins (PSI-MS MS:1002402).

Same-set protein (sameset)

A protein that shares exactly the same set of peptide evidence with one or multiple other proteins. (identical to PSI-MS MS:1001594)

Sub-set protein (subset)

A protein with a sub-set of the peptide evidence of another protein. It can be a sub-set of multiple proteins, and those don’t have to be in the same protein group. (identical to PSI-MS MS:1001596)

Subsumable protein (subsumable)

A protein which peptide evidence is distributed across multiple proteins in at least two different protein groups. This term is mutually exclusiv with the term sub-set protein, and hierarchically below sub-set. That means that a protein can only be a subsumable if it is not already a subset of another protein. Also the protein is not allowed to be a “leading” protein in any protein group. (is related to the PSI-MS term MS:1002570 “multiply subsumable protein”, but defined more strictly)

Relevant terms from the PSI-MS ontology

Group representative (MS:1002403)
An arbitrary and optional flag applied to exactly one protein per group to indicate it can serve as the representative of the group, amongst leading proteins, in effect serving as a tiebreaker for approaches that require exactly one group representative.
Leading protein (MS:1002401)
At least one protein within each group should be annotated as a leading protein to indicate it has the strongest evidence, or approximately equal evidence as other group members.
Non-leading protein (MS:1002402)
Zero to many proteins within each group should be annotated as non-leading to indicate that other proteins have stronger evidence.
Cluster identifier (MS:1002407)
An identifier applied to protein groups to indicate that they are linked by shared peptides.
Same-set protein (MS:1001594)
A protein which is indistinguishable or equivalent to another protein, having matches to an identical set of peptide sequences.
Sequence sub-set protein (MS:1001596)
A protein with a sub-set of the peptide sequence matches for another protein, and no distinguishing peptide matches.
Sequence subsumable protein (MS:1001598)
A sequence same-set or sequence sub-set protein where the matches are distributed across two or more proteins.
Sequence multiply subsumable protein (MS:1002570)
A protein for which the matched peptide sequences are the same, or a subset of, the matched peptide sequences for two or more other proteins combined. These other proteins need not all be in the same group.
Peptide unique to one protein (MS:1001363)
A peptide matching only one.
Peptide shared in multiple proteins (MS:1001175)
A peptide matching multiple proteins.

Additional terms used in maspy

Unique protein (uniqueProtein)
A protein mapped to at least one unique peptide.
Super-set protein:
A protein with a set of peptide matches, that is a strict superset of other proteins (strict means that the peptide matches are not equal).
class maspy.inference.Protein(proteinId, peptides)[source]

Bases: object

Protein represents one entry from a protein database. It describes the protein relations and how a set of observed peptides are mapped to it.

  • id – unique identifier of the protein, should allow mapping to a protein database
  • peptides – a list of all peptides that are mapped onto a protein
  • uniquePeptides – unique to one single protein (or one protein after merging sameset proteins)
  • groupUniquePeptides – shared only with proteins of the same group
  • groupSubsumablePeptides – shared only with subsumable proteins, but not with multiple other protein groups
  • sharedPeptides – shared between proteins of multiple protein groups
  • isSubset – set, protein is a subset of these proteins
  • isSameset – set, protein set that shares identical evidence
  • isLeading – bool, True if protein is a leading protein of its group.
  • isSubsumable – bool, True if protein is associated with multiple protein groups as a subsumable protein.
class maspy.inference.ProteinGroup(groupId, representative)[source]

Bases: object

A protein ambiguity group.

  • id – unique identifier of the protein, should allow mapping to a protein database
  • representative – a single protein that represents the group
  • proteins – set, all leading proteins, subset proteins and the representative protein. Subsumable proteins are not included here!
  • leading – set, leading proteins (MS:1002401)
  • subset – set, sub-set proteins
  • subsumableProteins – set, group sub-sumable proteins

Add one or multiple proteinIds as leading proteins.

Parameters:proteinIds – a proteinId or a list of proteinIds, a proteinId must be a string.

Add one or multiple proteinIds as subset proteins.

Parameters:proteinIds – a proteinId or a list of proteinIds, a proteinId must be a string.

Add one or multiple proteinIds as subsumable proteins.

Parameters:proteinIds – a proteinId or a list of proteinIds, a proteinId must be a string.
class maspy.inference.ProteinInference(protToPeps)[source]

Bases: object

Contains the result of a protein inference analysis.

  • protToPeps – dict, for each protein (=key) contains a set of associated peptides (=value). For Example {protein: {peptide, ...}, ...}
  • pepToProts – dict, for each peptide (=key) contains a set of parent proteins (=value). For Example {peptide: {protein, ...}, ...}
  • proteins – dict, protein ids pointing to Protein objects
  • groups – dict, protein group ids pointing to ProteinGroup objects
  • clusters – dict, cluster ids pointing to a list of protein group ids that are part of the same cluster. See “Cluster identifier (MS:1002407)”
  • _proteinToGroupIds – dict, protein ids containing a set of protein group ids that they are associated with. NOTE: Protein objects do not contain a reference to their protein groups
  • _proteinToClusterId – dict, protein ids containing a set of cluster ids that they are associated with. NOTE: Protein objects do not contain a reference to their clusters
  • _uniquePeptides – set, all unique peptides of all protein groups. I.e. peptides that are only mapped to one protein (after merging same-set proteins).
  • _groupUniquePeptides – set, all group unique peptides of all protein groups. I.e. peptides that are not unique but only explained by proteins of one single protein group and not by any subsumable proteins.
  • _groupSubsumablePeptides – set, all group subsumable peptides of all protein groups. I.e. peptides that are only explained by proteins of one single protein group but also of subsumable proteins.
  • _sharedPeptides – set, all shared peptides of all protein groups. I.e. peptides that are explained by proteins of multiple protein groups, not considering subsumable proteins.
addLeadingToGroups(proteinIds, groupIds)[source]

Add one or multiple leading proteins to one or multiple protein groups.

  • proteinIds – a proteinId or a list of proteinIds, a proteinId must be a string.
  • groupIds – a groupId or a list of groupIds, a groupId must be a string.

Adds a new protein group and returns the groupId.

The groupId is defined using an internal counter, which is incremented every time a protein group is added. The groupRepresentative is added as a leading protein.

Parameters:groupRepresentative – the protein group representing protein
Returns:the protein groups groupId
addSubsetToGroups(proteinIds, groupIds)[source]

Add one or multiple subset proteins to one or multiple protein groups.

  • proteinIds – a proteinId or a list of proteinIds, a proteinId must be a string.
  • groupIds – a groupId or a list of groupIds, a groupId must be a string.
addSubsumableToGroups(proteinIds, groupIds)[source]

Add one or multiple subsumable proteins to one or multiple protein groups.

  • proteinIds – a proteinId or a list of proteinIds, a proteinId must be a string.
  • groupIds – a groupId or a list of groupIds, a groupId must be a string.

Return a list of protein groups a protein is associated with.


Performs protein grouping based only on protein to peptide mappings.

Parameters:protToPeps – dict, for each protein (=key) contains a set of associated peptides (=value). For Example {protein: {peptide, ...}, ...}


returns a ProteinInference object

maspy.isobar module

maspy.mit_stats module

This module contains functions to calculate a running mean, median and mode.

maspy.mit_stats.runningMean(seq, N, M)[source]
Purpose: Find the mean for the points in a sliding window (fixed size)
as it is moved from left to right by one point at a time.
seq – list containing items for which a mean (in a sliding window) is
to be calculated (N items)

N – length of sequence M – number of items in sliding window

means – list of means with size N - M + 1
maspy.mit_stats.runningMedian(seq, M)[source]
Purpose: Find the median for the points in a sliding window (odd number in size)
as it is moved from left to right by one point at a time.
seq – list containing items for which a running median (in a sliding window)
is to be calculated

M – number of items in window (window size) – must be an integer > 1

medians – list of medians with size N - M + 1
  1. The median of a finite list of numbers is the “center” value when this list is sorted in ascending order.
  2. If M is an even number the two elements in the window that are close to the center are averaged to give the median (this is not by definition)

maspy.peptidemethods module

provides functions to work with peptide
sequences, mass to charge ratios and modifications and calvulation of masses.
maspy.peptidemethods.calcMassFromMz(mz, charge)[source]

Calculate the mass of a peptide from its mz and charge.

  • mz – float, mass to charge ratio (Dalton / charge)
  • charge – int, charge state

non protonated mass (charge = 0)

maspy.peptidemethods.calcMhFromMz(mz, charge)[source]

Calculate the MH+ value from mz and charge.

  • mz – float, mass to charge ratio (Dalton / charge)
  • charge – int, charge state

mass to charge ratio of the mono protonated ion (charge = 1)

maspy.peptidemethods.calcMzFromMass(mass, charge)[source]

Calculate the mz value of a peptide from its mass and charge.

  • mass – float, exact non protonated mass
  • charge – int, charge state

mass to charge ratio of the specified charge state

maspy.peptidemethods.calcMzFromMh(mh, charge)[source]

Calculate the mz value from MH+ and charge.

  • mh – float, mass to charge ratio (Dalton / charge) of the mono protonated ion
  • charge – int, charge state

mass to charge ratio of the specified charge state

maspy.peptidemethods.calcPeptideMass(peptide, **kwargs)[source]

Calculate the mass of a peptide.

  • aaMass – A dictionary with the monoisotopic masses of amino acid residues, by default maspy.constants.aaMass
  • aaModMass – A dictionary with the monoisotopic mass changes of modications, by default maspy.constants.aaModMass
  • elementMass – A dictionary with the masses of chemical elements, by default pyteomics.mass.nist_mass
  • peptide – peptide sequence, modifications have to be written in the format “[modificationId]” and “modificationId” has to be present in maspy.constants.aaModMass

#TODO: change to a more efficient way of calculating the modified mass, by first extracting all present modifications and then looking up their masses.

maspy.peptidemethods.digestInSilico(proteinSequence, cleavageRule='[KR]', missedCleavage=0, removeNtermM=True, minLength=5, maxLength=55)[source]

Returns a list of peptide sequences and cleavage information derived from an in silico digestion of a polypeptide.

  • proteinSequence – amino acid sequence of the poly peptide to be digested
  • cleavageRule – cleavage rule expressed in a regular expression, see maspy.constants.expasy_rules
  • missedCleavage – number of allowed missed cleavage sites
  • removeNtermM – booo, True to consider also peptides with the N-terminal methionine of the protein removed
  • minLength – int, only yield peptides with length >= minLength
  • maxLength – int, only yield peptides with length <= maxLength

a list of resulting peptide enries. Protein positions start with 1 and end with len(proteinSequence.

[(peptide amino acid sequence,
  {'startPos': int, 'endPos': int, 'missedCleavage': int}
  ), ...


This is a regex example for specifying N-terminal cleavage at lysine sites \w(?=[K])


Removes all modifications from a peptide string and return the plain amino acid sequence.

  • peptide – peptide sequence, modifications have to be written in the format “[modificationName]”
  • peptide – str

amino acid sequence of peptide without any modifications

maspy.peptidemethods.returnModPositions(peptide, indexStart=1, removeModString='UNIMOD:')[source]

Determines the amino acid positions of all present modifications.

  • peptide – peptide sequence, modifications have to be written in the format “[modificationName]”
  • indexStart – returned amino acids positions of the peptide start with this number (first amino acid position = indexStart)
  • removeModString – string to remove from the returned modification name

{modificationName:[position1, position2, ...], ...}

#TODO: adapt removeModString to the new unimod ids in #maspy.constants.aaModComp (“UNIMOD:X” -> “u:X”) -> also change unit tests.

maspy.proteindb module

The protein database module allows the import of protein sequences from fasta files, parsing of fasta entry headers and performing in silico digestion by specified cleavage rules to generate peptides.

class maspy.proteindb.PeptideSequence(sequence, mc=None)[source]

Bases: object

Describes a peptide as derived by digestion of one or multiple proteins, can’t contain any modified amino acids.

  • sequence – amino acid sequence of the peptide
  • missedCleavage – number of missed cleavages, dependens on enzyme specificity
  • proteins – protein ids that generate this peptide under certain digest condition
  • proteinPositions – start position and end position of a peptide in a protein sequence. One based index, ie the first protein position is “1”. {proteinId:(startPosition, endPositions) ...}
static jsonHook(encoded)[source]

Custom JSON decoder that allows construction of a new PeptideSequence instance from a decoded JSON object.

Parameters:encoded – a JSON decoded object literal (a dict)
Returns:“encoded” or PeptideSequence

Returns the number of amino acids of the polypeptide sequence.


Returns the mass of the polypeptide sequence in Dalton.

class maspy.proteindb.ProteinDatabase[source]

Bases: object

Describes proteins and peptides generated by an in silico digestion of proteins.

  • peptides – {sequence:PeptideSequence(), ...} contains elements of PeptideSequence derived by an in silico digest of the proteins
  • proteins – {proteinId:Protein(), proteinId:Protein()}, used to access ProteinSequence elements by their id
  • proteinNames – {proteinName:Protein(), proteinName:Protein()}, alternative way to access ProteinSequence elements by their names. Must be populated manually
  • info

    a dictionary containing information about the protein database and parameters specified for the in silico digestion of the protein entries.

    {'name': str, 'mc': str, 'cleavageRule': str, 'minLength': int
     'maxLength': int, 'ignoreIsoleucine': bool, 'removeNtermM': bool
    name: a descriptive name of the protein database, used as the file
    name when saving the protein database to the hard disk

    mc: number of allowed missed cleavage sites cleavageRule: cleavage rule expressed in a regular expression minLength: minimal peptide length maxLength: maximal peptide length ignoreIsoleucine: if True Isoleucine and Leucinge in peptide

    sequences are treated as indistinguishable.
    removeNtermM: if True also peptides with the N-terminal Methionine
    of the protein removed are considered.

Calcualte the sequence coverage masks for all protein entries.

For a detailed description see _calculateCoverageMasks()

classmethod load(path, name)[source]

Imports the specified proteindb file from the hard disk.

  • path – filedirectory of the proteindb file
  • name – filename without the file extension ”.proteindb”


this generates rather large files, which actually take longer to import than to newly generate. Maybe saving / loading should be limited to the protein database whitout in silico digestion information.

save(path, compress=True)[source]

Writes the .proteins and .peptides entries to the hard disk as a proteindb file.


If .save() is called and no proteindb file is present in the specified path a new files is generated, otherwise the old file is replaced.

  • path – filedirectory to which the proteindb file is written. The output file name is specified by['name']
  • compress – bool, True to use zip file compression
class maspy.proteindb.ProteinSequence(identifier, sequence, name='')[source]

Bases: object

Describes a protein.

  • id – identifier of the protein, for example a uniprot id.
  • name – name of the protein
  • sequence – amino acid sequence of the protein
  • fastaHeader – str(), the proteins faster header line
  • fastaInfo – dict(), the interpreted fasta header as generated when using a faster header parsing function, see fastaParseSgd().
  • isUnique – bool, True if at least one unique peptide can be assigned to the protein
  • uniquePeptides – a set of peptides which can be unambiguously assigned to this protein
  • sharedPeptides – a set of peptides which are shared between different proteins
  • coverageUnique – the number of amino acids in the protein sequence that are coverd by unique peptides
  • coverageShared – the number of amino acids in the protein sequence that are coverd by unique or shared peptides
static jsonHook(encoded)[source]

Custom JSON decoder that allows construction of a new ProteinSequence instance from a decoded JSON object.

Parameters:encoded – a JSON decoded object literal (a dict)
Returns:“encoded” or ProteinSequence

Returns the mass of the polypeptide sequence in dalton.


Returns the number of amino acids of the polypeptide sequence.


Custom parser for fasta headers in the SGD format, see

Parameters:header – str, protein entry header from a fasta file
Returns:dict, parsed header
maspy.proteindb.importProteinDatabase(filePath, proteindb=None, decoyTag='[decoy]', contaminationTag='[cont]', headerParser=None, forceId=False, cleavageRule='[KR]', minLength=5, maxLength=40, missedCleavage=2, ignoreIsoleucine=False, removeNtermM=True)[source]

Generates a ProteinDatabase by in silico digestion of proteins from a fasta file.

  • filePath – File path
  • proteindb – optional an existing ProteinDatabase can be specified, otherwise a new instance is generated and returned
  • decoyTag – If a fasta file contains decoy protein entries, they should be specified with a sequence tag
  • contaminationTag – If a fasta file contains contamination protein entries, they should be specified with a sequence tag
  • headerParser – optional a headerParser can be specified #TODO: describe how a parser looks like
  • forceId – bool, if True and no id can be extracted from the fasta header the whole header sequence is used as a protein id instead of raising an exception.
  • cleavageRule – cleavage rule expressed in a regular expression, see maspy.constants.expasy_rules
  • missedCleavage – number of allowed missed cleavage sites
  • removeNtermM – bool, True to consider also peptides with the N-terminal Methionine of the protein removed
  • minLength – int, only yield peptides with length >= minLength
  • maxLength – int, only yield peptides with length <= maxLength
  • ignoreIsoleucine – bool, if True treat Isoleucine and Leucine in peptide sequences as indistinguishable

See also maspy.peptidemethods.digestInSilico()

maspy.reader module

This module provides functions to import various data types as maspy objects, which are associated with analysis workflows of mass spectrometry data. This currently comprises the mzML format, results of the percolator software and to some extent mzIdentML files, and file formats representing peptide LC-MS feature ”.featureXML” and ”.features.tsv”.

maspy.reader.addSiiToContainer(siiContainer, specfile, siiList)[source]

Adds the Sii elements contained in the siiList to the appropriate list in siiContainer.container[specfile].

  • siiContainer – instance of maspy.core.SiiContainer
  • specfile – unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers.
  • siiList – a list of Sii elements imported from any PSM search engine results
maspy.reader.applySiiQcValidation(siiContainer, specfile)[source]

Iterates over all Sii entries of a specfile in siiContainer and validates if they surpass a user defined quality threshold. The parameters for validation are defined in[specfile]:

  • qcAttr, qcCutoff and qcLargerBetter

In addition to passing this validation a Sii has also to be at the first list position in the siiContainer.container. If both criteria are met the attribute Sii.isValid is set to True.

  • siiContainer – instance of maspy.core.SiiContainer
  • specfile – unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers.
maspy.reader.applySiiRanking(siiContainer, specfile)[source]

Iterates over all Sii entries of a specfile in siiContainer and sorts Sii elements of the same spectrum according to the score attribute specified in[specfile]['rankAttr']. Sorted Sii elements are then ranked according to their sorted position, if multiple Sii have the same score, all get the same rank and the next entries rank is its list position.

  • siiContainer – instance of maspy.core.SiiContainer
  • specfile – unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers.
maspy.reader.ciFromXml(xmlelement, specfile)[source]
maspy.reader.convertMzml(mzmlPath, outputDirectory=None)[source]

Imports an mzml file and converts it to a MsrunContainer file

  • mzmlPath – path of the mzml file
  • outputDirectory – directory where the MsrunContainer file should be written

if it is not specified, the output directory is set to the mzml files directory.

maspy.reader.defaultFetchSiAttrFromSmi(smi, si)[source]

Default method to extract attributes from a spectrum metadata item (sai) and adding them to a spectrum item (si).

maspy.reader.importMsgfMzidResults(siiContainer, filelocation, specfile=None, qcAttr='eValue', qcLargerBetter=False, qcCutoff=0.01, rankAttr='score', rankLargerBetter=True)[source]

Import peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) from a MS-GF+ mzIdentML file, generate Sii elements and store them in the specified siiContainer. Imported Sii are ranked according to a specified attribute and validated if they surpass a specified quality threshold.

  • siiContainer – imported PSM results are added to this instance of siiContainer
  • filelocation – file path of the percolator result file
  • specfile – optional, unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers. If specified the attribute .specfile of all Sii is set to this value, else it is read from the mzIdentML file.
  • qcAttr – name of the parameter to define a quality cut off. Typically this is some sort of a global false positive estimator (eg FDR)
  • qcLargerBetter – bool, True if a large value for the .qcAttr means a higher confidence.
  • qcCutOff – float, the quality threshold for the specifed .qcAttr
  • rankAttr – name of the parameter used for ranking Sii according to how well they match to a fragment ion spectrum, in the case when their are multiple Sii present for the same spectrum.
  • rankLargerBetter – bool, True if a large value for the .rankAttr means a better match to the fragment ion spectrum

For details on Sii ranking see applySiiRanking()

For details on Sii quality validation see applySiiQcValidation()

maspy.reader.importMzml(filepath, msrunContainer=None, siAttrFromSmi=None, specfilename=None)[source]

Performs a complete import of a mzml file into a maspy MsrunContainer.

 allow here to specify a custom function that extracts params a from spectrumMetadataItem
Parameters:specfilename – by default the filename will be used as the specfilename in the MsrunContainer and all mzML item instances, specify here an alternative specfilename to override the default one
maspy.reader.importPeptideFeatures(fiContainer, filelocation, specfile)[source]

Import peptide features from a featureXml file, as generated for example by the OpenMS node featureFinderCentroided, or a features.tsv file by the Dinosaur command line tool.

  • fiContainer – imported features are added to this instance of FeatureContainer.
  • filelocation – Actual file path
  • specfile – Keyword (filename) to represent file in the FeatureContainer. Each filename can only occure once, therefore importing the same filename again is prevented.
maspy.reader.importPercolatorResults(siiContainer, filelocation, specfile, psmEngine, qcAttr='qValue', qcLargerBetter=False, qcCutoff=0.01, rankAttr='score', rankLargerBetter=True)[source]

Import peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) from a percolator result file, generate Sii elements and store them in the specified siiContainer. Imported Sii are ranked according to a specified attribute and validated if they surpass a specified quality threshold.

  • siiContainer – imported PSM results are added to this instance of siiContainer
  • filelocation – file path of the percolator result file
  • specfile – unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers.
  • psmEngine – PSM search engine used for peptide spectrum matching before percolator. For details see readPercolatorResults(). Possible values are ‘comet’, ‘xtandem’, ‘msgf’.
  • qcAttr – name of the parameter to define a quality cut off. Typically this is some sort of a global false positive estimator (eg FDR)
  • qcLargerBetter – bool, True if a large value for the .qcAttr means a higher confidence.
  • qcCutOff – float, the quality threshold for the specifed .qcAttr
  • rankAttr – name of the parameter used for ranking Sii according to how well they match to a fragment ion spectrum, in the case when their are multiple Sii present for the same spectrum.
  • rankLargerBetter – bool, True if a large value for the .rankAttr means a better match to the fragment ion spectrum

For details on Sii ranking see applySiiRanking()

For details on Sii quality validation see applySiiQcValidation()

maspy.reader.prepareSiiImport(siiContainer, specfile, path, qcAttr, qcLargerBetter, qcCutoff, rankAttr, rankLargerBetter)[source]

Prepares the siiContainer for the import of peptide spectrum matching results. Adds entries to siiContainer.container and to

  • siiContainer – instance of maspy.core.SiiContainer
  • specfile – unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers.
  • path – folder location used by the SiiContainer to save and load data to the hard disk.
  • qcAttr – name of the parameter to define a Sii quality cut off. Typically this is some sort of a global false positive estimator, for example a ‘false discovery rate’ (FDR).
  • qcLargerBetter – bool, True if a large value for the .qcAttr means a higher confidence.
  • qcCutOff – float, the quality threshold for the specifed .qcAttr
  • rankAttr – name of the parameter used for ranking Sii according to how well they match to a fragment ion spectrum, in the case when their are multiple Sii present for the same spectrum.
  • rankLargerBetter – bool, True if a large value for the .rankAttr means a better match to the fragment ion spectrum.

For details on Sii ranking see applySiiRanking()

For details on Sii quality validation see applySiiQcValidation()

maspy.reader.readMsgfMzidResults(filelocation, specfile=None)[source]

Reads MS-GF+ PSM results from a mzIdentML file and returns a list of Sii elements.

  • filelocation – file path of the percolator result file
  • specfile – optional, unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers. If specified all the .specfile attribute of all Sii are set to this value, else it is read from the mzIdentML file.

[sii, sii, sii, ...]

maspy.reader.readPercolatorResults(filelocation, specfile, psmEngine)[source]

Reads percolator PSM results from a txt file and returns a list of Sii elements.

  • filelocation – file path of the percolator result file
  • specfile – unambiguous identifier of a ms-run file. Is also used as a reference to other MasPy file containers.
  • psmEngine

    PSM PSM search engine used for peptide spectrum matching before percolator. This is important to specify, since the scanNr information is written in a different format by some engines. It might be necessary to adjust the settings for different versions of percolator or the PSM search engines used.

    Possible values are ‘comet’, ‘xtandem’, ‘msgf’.


[sii, sii, sii, ...]

maspy.reader.smiFromXmlSpectrum(xmlelement, specfile)[source]

maspy.writer module

Provides the possibility to write a new mzML file from an MsrunContainer instance, which is the maspy representation of a specfile.

maspy.writer.writeMzml(specfile, msrunContainer, outputdir, spectrumIds=None, chromatogramIds=None, writeIndex=True)[source]

#TODO: docstring

  • specfile – #TODO docstring
  • msrunContainer – #TODO docstring
  • outputdir – #TODO docstring
  • spectrumIds – #TODO docstring
  • chromatogramIds – #TODO docstring
maspy.writer.xmlChromatogramFromCi(index, ci, compression='zlib')[source]

#TODO: docstring :param index: #TODO: docstring :param ci: #TODO: docstring :param compression: #TODO: docstring

Returns:#TODO: docstring
maspy.writer.xmlGenBinaryDataArrayList(binaryDataInfo, binaryDataDict, compression='zlib', arrayTypes=None)[source]

#TODO: docstring

Params binaryDataInfo:
 #TODO: docstring
Params binaryDataDict:
 #TODO: docstring
Params compression:
 #TODO: docstring
Params arrayTypes:
 #TODO: docstring
Returns:#TODO: docstring

#TODO: docstring

Params precursorList:
 #TODO: docstring
Returns:#TODO: docstring

#TODO: docstring

Params productList:
 #TODO: docstring
Returns:#TODO: docstring
maspy.writer.xmlGenScanList(scanList, scanListParams)[source]

#TODO: docstring

Params scanList:
 #TODO: docstring
Params scanListParams:
 #TODO: docstring
Returns:#TODO: docstring
maspy.writer.xmlSpectrumFromSmi(index, smi, sai=None, compression='zlib')[source]

#TODO: docstring

  • index – The zero-based, consecutive index of the spectrum in the SpectrumList. (mzML specification)
  • smi – a SpectrumMetadataItem instance
  • sai – a SpectrumArrayItem instance, if none is specified no binaryDataArrayList is written
  • compression – #TODO: docstring

#TODO: docstring

maspy.sil module

The class LabelDescriptor allows the specification of a labeling strategy with stable isotopic labels. It can then be used to determine the labeling state of a given peptide and calculate the expected mass of alternative labeling states.

class maspy.sil.LabelDescriptor[source]

Bases: object

Describes a MS1 stable isotope label setup for quantification.

  • labels – Contains a dictionary with all possible label states, keys are increasing integers starting from 0, which correspond to the different label states.
  • excludingModifictions – bool, True if any label has specified excludingModifications
addLabel(aminoAcidLabels, excludingModifications=None)[source]

Adds a new labelstate.

  • aminoAcidsLabels

    Describes which amino acids can bear which labels. Possible keys are the amino acids in one letter code and ‘nTerm’, ‘cTerm’. Possible values are the modifications ids from maspy.constants.aaModMass as strings or a list of strings. An example for one expected label at the n-terminus and two expected

    labels at each Lysine: {'nTerm': 'u:188', 'K': ['u:188', 'u:188']}
  • excludingModifications – optional, A Dectionary that describes which modifications can prevent the addition of labels. Keys and values have to be the modifications ids from maspy.constants.aaModMass. The key specifies the modification that prevents the label modification specified by the value. For example for each modification ‘u:1’ that is present at an amino acid or terminus of a peptide the number of expected labels at this position is reduced by one: {'u:1':'u:188'}
maspy.sil.expectedLabelPosition(peptide, labelStateInfo, sequence=None, modPositions=None)[source]

Returns a modification description of a certain label state of a peptide.


{sequence position: sorted list of expected label modifications

on that position, ...



Returns a set of all amino acids and termini which can bear a label, as described in “labelDescriptor”.

Parameters:labelDescriptorLabelDescriptor describes the label setup of an experiment
Returns:#TODO: docstring

Returns a set of all modiciation symbols which were used in the labelDescriptor

Parameters:labelDescriptorLabelDescriptor describes the label setup of an experiment
Returns:#TODO: docstring
maspy.sil.returnLabelState(peptide, labelDescriptor, labelSymbols=None, labelAminoacids=None)[source]

Calculates the label state of a given peptide for the label setup described in labelDescriptor


integer that shows the label state: >=0: predicted label state of the peptide

-1: peptide sequence can’t bear any labelState modifications -2: peptide modifications don’t fit to any predicted labelState -3: peptide modifications fit to a predicted labelState, but not all

predicted labelStates are distinguishable

maspy.sil.returnLabelStateMassDifferences(peptide, labelDescriptor, labelState=None, sequence=None)[source]

Calculates the mass difference for alternative possible label states of a given peptide. See also LabelDescriptor, returnLabelState()


{alternativeLabelSate: massDifference, ...} or {} if the peptide label state is -1.


The massDifference plus the peptide mass is the expected mass of an alternatively labeled peptide

maspy.xml module

#TODO: module description

class maspy.xml.MzmlReader(mzmlPath)[source]

Bases: object

#TODO: docstring

  • mzmlPath – #TODO: docstring
  • metadataNode – #TODO: docstring
  • chromatogramList – #TODO: docstring

#TODO: docstring


#TODO: docstring

Returns:#TODO: docstring

#TODO: docstring

Returns:#TODO: docstring
maspy.xml.binaryDataArrayTypes = {'MS:1000595': 'rt', 'MS:1000514': 'mz', 'MS:1000822': 'temperature', 'MS:1000617': 'lambda', 'MS:1000786': 'non-standard', 'MS:1000517': 'sn', 'MS:1000820': 'flow', 'MS:1000515': 'i', 'MS:1000821': 'pressure', 'MS:1000516': 'z'}

#TODO: docstring


Deletes an element and all linked parent elements.

This function is used to save memory while iteratively parsing an xml file by removing already processed elements.

Parameters:element – #TODO docstring

#TODO: docstring eg “{}mzML” returns “mzML”

Parameters:tag – #TODO docstring

Python representation of a mzML cvParam = tuple(accession, value, unitAccession).

Parameters:attributes – #TODO: docstring
Returns:#TODO: docstring
maspy.xml.decodeBinaryData(binaryData, arrayLength, bitEncoding, compression)[source]

Function to decode a mzML byte array into a numpy array. This is the inverse function of encodeBinaryData(). Concept inherited from pymzml.spec.Spectrum._decode() of the python library pymzML.

  • binaryData – #TODO: docstring
  • arrayLength – #TODO: docstring
  • binEncoding – #TODO: docstring
  • compression – #TODO: docstring

#TODO: docstring

maspy.xml.encodeBinaryData(dataArray, bitEncoding, compression)[source]

Function to encode a numpy.array into a mzML byte array. This is the inverse function of decodeBinaryData().

  • dataArray – #TODO: docstring
  • bitEncoding – #TODO: docstring
  • compression – #TODO: docstring

#TODO: docstring

maspy.xml.extractBinaries(binaryDataArrayList, arrayLength)[source]

#TODO: docstring

  • binaryDataArrayList – #TODO: docstring
  • arrayLength – #TODO: docstring

#TODO: docstring


#TODO docstring

Parameters:xmlelement – #TODO docstring
Returns:#TODO docstring

#TODO: docstring from: a binaryDataArray “MUST supply a child term of MS:1000518 (binary data type) only once”

Parameters:params – #TODO: docstring
Returns:#TODO: docstring
maspy.xml.findParam(params, targetValue)[source]

Returns a param entry (cvParam or userParam) in a list of params if its ‘accession’ (cvParam) or ‘name’ (userParam) matches the targetValue. return: cvParam, userParam or None if no matching param was found

  • params – #TODO: docstring
  • targetValue – #TODO: docstring

#TODO: docstring


Converts an mzML xml element to a param tuple.

Parameters:xmlelement – #TODO docstring
Returns:a param tuple or False if the xmlelement is not a parameter (‘userParam’, ‘cvParam’ or ‘referenceableParamGroupRef’)

Returns a floattype string and a numpy array type.

Parameters:bitEncoding – Must be either ‘64’ or ‘32’
Returns:(floattype, numpyType)

Applies maspy.xml.clearTag() to the tag attribute of the “element” and recursively to all child elements.

Parameters:element – an :instance:`xml.etree.Element`

Generates a copy of an xml element and recursively of all child elements.

Parameters:oldelement – an instance of lxml.etree._Element
Returns:a copy of the “oldelement”


doesn’t copy .text or .tail of xml elements


Removes whitespace characters, which are leftovers from previous xml formatting.

Parameters:element – an instance of lxml.etree._Element

str.strip() is applied to the “text” and the “tail” attribute of the element and recursively to all child elements.


Python representation of a mzML referencableParamGroup = (‘ref’, ref)

Parameters:attributes – #TODO: docstring
Returns:#TODO: docstring


altough the mzML element referencableParamGroups is imported, its utilization is currently not implemented in MasPy.


#TODO: docstring


Python representation of a mzML userParam = tuple(name, value, unitAccession, type)

Parameters:attributes – #TODO: docstring
Returns:#TODO: docstring
maspy.xml.xmlAddParams(parentelement, params)[source]

Generates new mzML parameter xml elements and adds them to the ‘parentelement’ as xml children elements.

  • parentelementxml.etree.Element, an mzML element
  • params – a list of mzML parameter tuples (‘cvParam’, ‘userParam’ or ‘referencableParamGroup’)

Module contents