Source code for maspy.writer

Provides the possibility to write a new mzML file from an MsrunContainer
instance, which is the maspy representation of a specfile.

#  Copyright 2015-2017 David M. Hollenstein, Jakob J. Hollenstein
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

######################## Python 2 and 3 compatibility #########################
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.utils import viewitems, viewkeys, viewvalues, listitems, listvalues

    #python 2.7
    from itertools import izip as zip
except ImportError:
    #python 3 series

import hashlib
import io
import os

from lxml import etree as ETREE
import numpy

import maspy.auxiliary as aux
import maspy.xml

### mzml import and export methods #######################
[docs]def writeMzml(specfile, msrunContainer, outputdir, spectrumIds=None, chromatogramIds=None, writeIndex=True): """ #TODO: docstring :param specfile: #TODO docstring :param msrunContainer: #TODO docstring :param outputdir: #TODO docstring :param spectrumIds: #TODO docstring :param chromatogramIds: #TODO docstring """ #TODO: maybe change to use aux.openSafeReplace outputFile = io.BytesIO() #TODO: perform check that specfile is present in msrunContainer and at least # the metadatanode. metadataTree = msrunContainer.rmc[specfile] #Generate a list of spectrum ids that should be written to mzML if spectrumIds is None and specfile in msrunContainer.smic: keyTuple = [(int(key), key) for key in viewkeys(msrunContainer.smic[specfile])] spectrumIds = [key for _, key in sorted(keyTuple)] spectrumCounts = len(spectrumIds) #Generate a list of chromatogram ids that should be written to mzML if chromatogramIds is None and specfile in msrunContainer.cic: chromatogramIds = [cId for cId in viewkeys(msrunContainer.cic[specfile])] chromatogramCounts = len(chromatogramIds) spectrumIndexList = list() chromatogramIndexList = list() xmlFile = ETREE.xmlfile(outputFile, encoding='ISO-8859-1', buffered=False) xmlWriter = xmlFile.__enter__() xmlWriter.write_declaration() nsmap = {None: '', 'xsi': '' } mzmlAttrib = {'{}schemaLocation': \ '', 'version': '1.1.0', 'id': metadataTree.attrib['id'] } if writeIndex: xmlIndexedMzml = xmlWriter.element('indexedmzML', nsmap=nsmap) xmlIndexedMzml.__enter__() xmlWriter.write('\n') xmlMzml = xmlWriter.element('mzML', mzmlAttrib, nsmap=nsmap) xmlMzml.__enter__() xmlWriter.write('\n') for metadataNode in metadataTree.getchildren(): if metadataNode.tag != 'run': xmlWriter.write(maspy.xml.recCopyElement(metadataNode), pretty_print=True ) else: xmlRun = xmlWriter.element(metadataNode.tag, metadataNode.attrib) xmlRun.__enter__() xmlWriter.write('\n') for runChild in metadataNode.getchildren(): if runChild.tag == 'spectrumList': specDefaultProcRef = runChild.attrib['defaultDataProcessingRef'] elif runChild.tag == 'chromatogramList': chromDefaultProcRef = runChild.attrib['defaultDataProcessingRef'] else: #TODO: maybe recCopy? xmlRun.append(runChild) #If any spectra should be written, generate the spectrumList Node. if spectrumCounts > 0: specListAttribs = {'count': str(spectrumCounts), 'defaultDataProcessingRef': specDefaultProcRef } xmlSpectrumList = xmlWriter.element('spectrumList', specListAttribs ) xmlSpectrumList.__enter__() xmlWriter.write('\n') for index, key in enumerate(spectrumIds): smi = msrunContainer.smic[specfile][key] sai = msrunContainer.saic[specfile][key] #Store the spectrum element offset here spectrumIndexList.append((outputFile.tell(), smi.attributes['id'] )) xmlSpectrum = xmlSpectrumFromSmi(index, smi, sai) xmlWriter.write(xmlSpectrum, pretty_print=True) xmlSpectrumList.__exit__(None, None, None) xmlWriter.write('\n') #If any chromatograms should be written, generate the #chromatogramList Node. if chromatogramCounts > 0: chromListAttribs = {'count': str(chromatogramCounts), 'defaultDataProcessingRef': chromDefaultProcRef } xmlChromatogramList = xmlWriter.element('chromatogramList', chromListAttribs ) xmlChromatogramList.__enter__() xmlWriter.write('\n') for index, key in enumerate(chromatogramIds): ci = msrunContainer.cic[specfile][key] #Store the chromatogram element offset here chromatogramIndexList.append((outputFile.tell(), xmlChromatogram = xmlChromatogramFromCi(index, ci) xmlWriter.write(xmlChromatogram, pretty_print=True) xmlChromatogramList.__exit__(None, None, None) xmlWriter.write('\n') xmlRun.__exit__(None, None, None) xmlWriter.write('\n') #Close the mzml node xmlMzml.__exit__(None, None, None) #Optional: write the indexedMzml nodes and close the indexedMzml node if writeIndex: xmlWriter.write('\n') indexListOffset = outputFile.tell() _writeMzmlIndexList(xmlWriter, spectrumIndexList, chromatogramIndexList) _writeIndexListOffset(xmlWriter, indexListOffset) _writeMzmlChecksum(xmlWriter, outputFile) xmlIndexedMzml.__exit__(None, None, None) #Close the xml file xmlFile.__exit__(None, None, None) #Write the output mzML file filepath = aux.joinpath(outputdir, specfile+'.mzML') with open(filepath, 'wb') as openfile: openfile.write(outputFile.getvalue())
def _writeMzmlIndexList(xmlWriter, spectrumIndexList, chromatogramIndexList): """ #TODO: docstring :param xmlWriter: #TODO: docstring :param spectrumIndexList: #TODO: docstring :param chromatogramIndexList: #TODO: docstring """ counts = 0 if spectrumIndexList: counts += 1 if chromatogramIndexList: counts += 1 if counts == 0: return None #Create indexList node xmlIndexList = xmlWriter.element('indexList', {'count': str(counts)}) xmlIndexList.__enter__() xmlWriter.write('\n') _writeIndexListElement(xmlWriter, 'spectrum', spectrumIndexList) _writeIndexListElement(xmlWriter, 'chromatogram', chromatogramIndexList) #Close indexList node xmlIndexList.__exit__(None, None, None) xmlWriter.write('\n') def _writeIndexListElement(xmlWriter, elementName, indexList): """ #TODO: docstring :param xmlWriter: #TODO: docstring :param elementName: #TODO: docstring :param indexList: #TODO: docstring """ if indexList: xmlIndex = xmlWriter.element('index', {'name': elementName}) xmlIndex.__enter__() xmlWriter.write('\n') for offset, indexId in indexList: offsetElement = ETREE.Element('offset', {'idRef': indexId}) offsetElement.text = str(offset) xmlWriter.write(offsetElement, pretty_print=True) xmlIndex.__exit__(None, None, None) xmlWriter.write('\n') def _writeMzmlChecksum(xmlWriter, outputFile): """ #TODO: docstring :param xmlWriter: #TODO: docstring :param outputFile: #TODO: docstring """ sha = hashlib.sha1(outputFile.getvalue()) sha.update('<fileChecksum>') xmlChecksumElement = ETREE.Element('fileChecksum') xmlChecksumElement.text = sha.hexdigest() xmlWriter.write(xmlChecksumElement, pretty_print=True) def _writeIndexListOffset(xmlWriter, offset): """ #TODO: docstring :param xmlWriter: #TODO: docstring :param offset: #TODO: docstring """ xmlIndexListOffset = ETREE.Element('indexListOffset') xmlIndexListOffset.text = str(offset) xmlWriter.write(xmlIndexListOffset, pretty_print=True) # --- generate mzml elements from maspy objects --- #
[docs]def xmlGenScanList(scanList, scanListParams): """ #TODO: docstring :params scanList: #TODO: docstring :params scanListParams: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ numEntries = len(scanList) xmlScanList = ETREE.Element('scanList', {'count': str(numEntries)}) maspy.xml.xmlAddParams(xmlScanList, scanListParams) for scan in scanList: #Note: no attributes supported xmlScan = ETREE.Element('scan', {}) maspy.xml.xmlAddParams(xmlScan, scan['params']) #Generate the scanWindowList entry numScanWindows = len(scan['scanWindowList']) if numScanWindows > 0: xmlScanWindowList = ETREE.Element('scanWindowList', {'count': str(numScanWindows)} ) for scanWindow in scan['scanWindowList']: xmlScanWindow = ETREE.Element('scanWindow') maspy.xml.xmlAddParams(xmlScanWindow, scanWindow) xmlScanWindowList.append(xmlScanWindow) xmlScan.append(xmlScanWindowList) xmlScanList.append(xmlScan) return xmlScanList
[docs]def xmlGenPrecursorList(precursorList): """ #TODO: docstring :params precursorList: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ numEntries = len(precursorList) xmlPrecursorList = ETREE.Element('precursorList', {'count': str(numEntries)} ) for precursor in precursorList: #Note: no attributes for external referencing supported precursorAttrib = {} if precursor['spectrumRef'] is not None: precursorAttrib.update({'spectrumRef': precursor['spectrumRef']}) xmlPrecursor = ETREE.Element('precursor', precursorAttrib) #Add isolationWindow element if precursor['isolationWindow'] is not None: xmlIsolationWindow = ETREE.Element('isolationWindow') maspy.xml.xmlAddParams(xmlIsolationWindow, precursor['isolationWindow'] ) xmlPrecursor.append(xmlIsolationWindow) #Add selectedIonList element numSelectedIons = len(precursor['selectedIonList']) if numSelectedIons > 0: xmlSelectedIonList = ETREE.Element('selectedIonList', {'count': str(numSelectedIons)} ) for selectedIon in precursor['selectedIonList']: xmlSelectedIon = ETREE.Element('selectedIon') maspy.xml.xmlAddParams(xmlSelectedIon, selectedIon) xmlSelectedIonList.append(xmlSelectedIon) xmlPrecursor.append(xmlSelectedIonList) #Add activation element xmlActivation = ETREE.Element('activation') maspy.xml.xmlAddParams(xmlActivation, precursor['activation']) xmlPrecursor.append(xmlActivation) xmlPrecursorList.append(xmlPrecursor) return xmlPrecursorList
[docs]def xmlGenProductList(productList): """ #TODO: docstring :params productList: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ raise NotImplementedError('xmlGenProductList() is not yet implemented')
[docs]def xmlGenBinaryDataArrayList(binaryDataInfo, binaryDataDict, compression='zlib', arrayTypes=None): """ #TODO: docstring :params binaryDataInfo: #TODO: docstring :params binaryDataDict: #TODO: docstring :params compression: #TODO: docstring :params arrayTypes: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ #Note: any other value for "compression" than "zlib" results in no # compression #Note: Use arrayTypes parameter to specify the order of the arrays if arrayTypes is None: arrayTypes = [_ for _ in viewkeys(binaryDataInfo)] numEntries = len(binaryDataInfo) xmlBinaryDataArrayList = ETREE.Element('binaryDataArrayList', {'count': str(numEntries)} ) for arrayType in arrayTypes: _, dataTypeParam = maspy.xml.findBinaryDataType(binaryDataInfo[arrayType]['params']) binaryData = binaryDataDict[arrayType] bitEncoding = '64' if binaryData.dtype.str == '<f8' else '32' if binaryData.size > 0: binaryData, arrayLength = maspy.xml.encodeBinaryData(binaryData, bitEncoding, compression ) else: binaryData = '' arrayLength = 0 # --- define binaryDataArray parameters --- # params = list() if bitEncoding == '64': params.append(('MS:1000523', None, None)) else: params.append(('MS:1000521', None, None)) if compression == 'zlib': params.append(('MS:1000574', None, None)) else: params.append(('MS:1000576', None, None)) mandatoryAccessions = ['MS:1000523', 'MS:1000521', 'MS:1000574', 'MS:1000576' ] for param in binaryDataInfo[arrayType]['params']: if param[0] not in mandatoryAccessions: params.append(param) #Note: not all attributes supported binaryDataArrayAttrib = {'encodedLength': str(len(binaryData))} for attr in ['dataProcessingRef']: if binaryDataInfo[arrayType][attr] is not None: binaryDataArrayAttrib[attr] = binaryDataInfo[arrayType][attr] xmlBinaryDataArray = ETREE.Element('binaryDataArray', binaryDataArrayAttrib ) maspy.xml.xmlAddParams(xmlBinaryDataArray, params) xmlBinary = ETREE.Element('binary') xmlBinary.text = binaryData xmlBinaryDataArray.append(xmlBinary) xmlBinaryDataArrayList.append(xmlBinaryDataArray) return xmlBinaryDataArrayList
[docs]def xmlSpectrumFromSmi(index, smi, sai=None, compression='zlib'): """ #TODO: docstring :param index: The zero-based, consecutive index of the spectrum in the SpectrumList. (mzML specification) :param smi: a SpectrumMetadataItem instance :param sai: a SpectrumArrayItem instance, if none is specified no binaryDataArrayList is written :param compression: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ if sai is not None: arrayLength = [array.size for array in viewvalues(sai.arrays)] if len(set(arrayLength)) != 1: raise Exception('Unequal size for different array in sai.arrays') else: arrayLength = arrayLength[0] else: arrayLength = 0 spectrumAttrib = {'index': str(index), 'id': smi.attributes['id'], 'defaultArrayLength': str(arrayLength)} xmlSpectrum = ETREE.Element('spectrum', **spectrumAttrib) maspy.xml.xmlAddParams(xmlSpectrum, smi.params) #Add the scanList if len(smi.scanList) > 0: xmlSpectrum.append(xmlGenScanList(smi.scanList, smi.scanListParams)) if len(smi.precursorList) > 0: xmlSpectrum.append(xmlGenPrecursorList(smi.precursorList)) if len(smi.productList) > 0: xmlSpectrum.append(xmlGenProductList(smi.productList)) if sai is not None: xmlSpectrum.append(xmlGenBinaryDataArrayList(sai.arrayInfo, sai.arrays, compression=compression )) return xmlSpectrum
[docs]def xmlChromatogramFromCi(index, ci, compression='zlib'): """ #TODO: docstring :param index: #TODO: docstring :param ci: #TODO: docstring :param compression: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ arrayLength = [array.size for array in viewvalues(ci.arrays)] if len(set(arrayLength)) != 1: raise Exception('Unequal size for different array in sai.arrays') else: arrayLength = arrayLength[0] chromatogramAttrib = {'index': str(index), 'id':, 'defaultArrayLength': str(arrayLength)} if 'dataProcessingRef' in ci.attrib: chromatogramAttrib.update({'dataProcessingRef': dataProcessingRef}) xmlChromatogram = ETREE.Element('chromatogram', **chromatogramAttrib) maspy.xml.xmlAddParams(xmlChromatogram, ci.params) #TODO: add appropriate functions for precursor and product if ci.product is not None: raise NotImplementedError() if ci.precursor is not None: raise NotImplementedError() #Sort the array keys, that 'rt' is always the first, necessary for example # for the software "SeeMS" to properly display chromatograms. arrayTypes = set(ci.arrayInfo) if 'rt' in arrayTypes: arrayTypes.remove('rt') arrayTypes = ['rt'] + list(arrayTypes) else: arrayTypes = list(arrayTypes) xmlChromatogram.append(xmlGenBinaryDataArrayList(ci.arrayInfo, ci.arrays, compression=compression, arrayTypes=arrayTypes ) ) return xmlChromatogram