Source code for maspy.auxiliary

A collection of helper functions used in different modules. Functions deal for
example with saving files, encoding and decoding data in the json format,
filtering of numpy arrays, data fitting, etc.

#  Copyright 2015-2017 David M. Hollenstein, Jakob J. Hollenstein
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

######################### Python 2 and 3 compatibility #########################
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.utils import viewitems, viewkeys, viewvalues, listitems, listvalues

    #python 2.7
    from itertools import izip as zip
except ImportError:
    #python 3 series

except NameError:
    #necessary for type comparison

import bisect
from collections import defaultdict as ddict
import contextlib
import functools
import io
import json
import math
import operator
import os
import random
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import zipfile

import numpy
from scipy.interpolate import LSQUnivariateSpline

from maspy.mit_stats import runningMean as runningMean
from maspy.mit_stats import runningMedian as runningMedian

[docs]class PartiallySafeReplace(object): """Indirectly overwrite files by writing to temporary files and replacing them at once. This is a context manager. When the context is entered, subsequently opened files will actually open temporary files. Each time the same file-path is opened, the same temporary file will be used. When the context is closed, it will attempt to replace the original files with the content of the temporary files. Thus, several files can be prepared with less risk of data loss. Data loss is still possible if the replacement- operation fails (due to locking, not handled yet) or is interrupted. """ def __init__(self): pass def __enter__(self): self._files = {} return self @contextlib.contextmanager
[docs] def open(self, filepath, mode='w+b'): """Opens a file - will actually return a temporary file but replace the original file when the context is closed. """ #Check if the filepath can be accessed and is writable before creating #the tempfile if not _isFileAccessible(filepath): raise IOError('File %s is not writable' % (filepath,)) if filepath in self._files: with open(self._files[filepath], mode=mode) as tmpf: yield tmpf else: tempfilepath = None with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode=mode) as tmpf: tempfilepath = yield tmpf self._files[filepath] = tempfilepath
def __exit__(self, x, y, z): #Check if all filepaths can be accessed and are writable before moving #the tempfiles for filepath in self._files: if not _isFileAccessible(filepath): raise IOError('File %s is not writable' % (filepath, )) for filepath, tempfilepath in viewitems(self._files): #Note: here unhandled exceptions may still occur because of race #conditions, messing things up. shutil.move(tempfilepath, filepath)
[docs]def openSafeReplace(filepath, mode='w+b'): """Context manager to open a temporary file and replace the original file on closing. """ tempfileName = None #Check if the filepath can be accessed and is writable before creating the #tempfile if not _isFileAccessible(filepath): raise IOError('File %s is not writtable' % (filepath, )) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode=mode) as tmpf: tempfileName = yield tmpf #Check if the filepath can be accessed and is writable before moving the #tempfile if not _isFileAccessible(filepath): raise IOError('File %s is not writtable' % (filepath, )) #Note: here unhandled exceptions may still occur because of race conditions, #messing things up. shutil.move(tempfileName, filepath)
def _isFileAccessible(filepath): """Returns True if the specified filepath is writable.""" directory = os.path.dirname(filepath) if not os.access(directory, os.W_OK): #Return False if directory does not exist or is not writable return False if os.path.exists(filepath): if not os.access(filepath, os.W_OK): #Return False if file is not writable return False try: openfile =, os.O_WRONLY) os.close(openfile) except IOError: #Return False if file is locked return False #Return True if file is writtable return True # --- Json serialization helper functions --- #
[docs]class MaspyJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Extension of the json.JSONEncoder to serialize MasPy classes. Maspy classes need to define a _reprJSON() method, which returns a json serializable object. """
[docs] def default(self, obj): """ :returns: obj._reprJSON() if it is defined, else json.JSONEncoder.default(obj) """ if hasattr(obj, '_reprJSON'): return obj._reprJSON() #Let the base class default method raise the TypeError return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs]def writeJsonZipfile(filelike, data, compress=True, mode='w', name='data'): """Serializes the objects contained in data to a JSON formated string and writes it to a zipfile. :param filelike: path to a file (str) or a file-like object :param data: object that should be converted to a JSON formated string. Objects and types in data must be supported by the json.JSONEncoder or have the method ``._reprJSON()`` defined. :param compress: bool, True to use zip file compression :param mode: 'w' to truncate and write a new file, or 'a' to append to an existing file :param name: the file name that will be given to the JSON output in the archive """ zipcomp = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED if compress else zipfile.ZIP_STORED with zipfile.ZipFile(filelike, mode, allowZip64=True) as containerFile: containerFile.writestr(name, json.dumps(data, cls=MaspyJsonEncoder), zipcomp )
[docs]def writeBinaryItemContainer(filelike, binaryItemContainer, compress=True): """Serializes the binaryItems contained in binaryItemContainer and writes them into a zipfile archive. Examples of binaryItem classes are :class:`maspy.core.Ci` and :class:`maspy.core.Sai`. A binaryItem class has to define the function ``_reprJSON()`` which returns a JSON formated string representation of the class instance. In addition it has to contain an attribute ``.arrays``, a dictionary which values are ``numpy.array``, that are serialized to bytes and written to the ``binarydata`` file of the zip archive. See :func:`_dumpArrayDictToFile()` The JSON formated string representation of the binaryItems, together with the metadata, necessary to restore serialized numpy arrays, is written to the ``metadata`` file of the archive in this form: ``[[serialized binaryItem, [metadata of a numpy array, ...]], ...]`` Use the method :func:`loadBinaryItemContainer()` to restore a binaryItemContainer from a zipfile. :param filelike: path to a file (str) or a file-like object :param binaryItemContainer: a dictionary containing binaryItems :param compress: bool, True to use zip file compression """ allMetadata = dict() binarydatafile = io.BytesIO() #Note: It would be possible to sort the items here for index, binaryItem in enumerate(viewvalues(binaryItemContainer)): metadataList = _dumpArrayDictToFile(binarydatafile, binaryItem.arrays) allMetadata[index] = [binaryItem._reprJSON(), metadataList] #TODO: Is seek here still necessary? zipcomp = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED if compress else zipfile.ZIP_STORED with zipfile.ZipFile(filelike, 'w', allowZip64=True) as containerFile: containerFile.writestr('metadata', json.dumps(allMetadata, cls=MaspyJsonEncoder), zipcomp ) containerFile.writestr('binarydata', binarydatafile.getvalue(), zipcomp)
def _dumpArrayDictToFile(filelike, arrayDict): """Function to serialize and write ``numpy.array`` contained in a dictionary to a file. See also :func:`_dumpArrayToFile` and :func:`_dumpNdarrayToFile`. :param filelike: can be a file or a file-like object that provides the methods ``.write()`` and ``.tell()``. :param arrayDict: a dictionary which values are ``numpy.array``, that are serialized to bytes and written to the filelike. :returns: a list of metadata dictionaries a metadata dictionary contains information necessary to restore the ``numpy.arrays`` from the file and the corresponding key from the arrayDict as 'arrayKey'. """ metadataList = list() for arrayKey in sorted(arrayDict): array = arrayDict[arrayKey] if array.ndim == 1: metadata = _dumpArrayToFile(filelike, array) else: metadata = _dumpNdarrayToFile(filelike, array) metadata['arrayKey'] = arrayKey metadataList.append(metadata) return metadataList def _dumpArrayToFile(filelike, array): """Serializes a 1-dimensional ``numpy.array`` to bytes, writes the bytes to the filelike object and returns a dictionary with metadata, necessary to restore the ``numpy.array`` from the file. :param filelike: can be a file or a file-like object that provides the methods ``.write()`` and ``.tell()``. :param array: a 1-dimensional ``numpy.array`` :returns: a metadata dictionary :: {'start': start position in the file, 'end': end position in the file, 'size': size of the array, 'dtype': numpy data type of the array } """ bytedata = array.tobytes('C') start = filelike.tell() end = start + len(bytedata) metadata = {'start': start, 'end': end, 'size': array.size, 'dtype': } filelike.write(bytedata) return metadata def _dumpNdarrayToFile(filelike, ndarray): """Serializes an N-dimensional ``numpy.array`` to bytes, writes the bytes to the filelike object and returns a dictionary with metadata, necessary to restore the ``numpy.array`` from the file. :param filelike: can be a file or a file-like object that provides the methods ``.write()`` and ``.tell()``. :param ndarray: a N-dimensional ``numpy.array`` :returns: a metadata dictionary :: {'start': start position in the file, 'end': end position in the file, 'size': size of the array, 'dtype': numpy data type of the array, 'shape': description of the array shape } """ bytedata = ndarray.tobytes('C') start = filelike.tell() end = start + len(bytedata) metadata = {'start': start, 'end': end, 'size': ndarray.size, 'dtype':, 'shape': ndarray.shape } filelike.write(bytedata) return metadata
[docs]def loadBinaryItemContainer(zippedfile, jsonHook): """Imports binaryItems from a zipfile generated by :func:`writeBinaryItemContainer`. :param zipfile: can be either a path to a file (a string) or a file-like object :param jsonHook: a custom decoding function for JSON formated strings of the binaryItems stored in the zipfile. :returns: a dictionary containing binaryItems ``{ binaryItem, ... }`` """ binaryItemContainer = dict() with zipfile.ZipFile(zippedfile, 'r') as containerZip: #Convert the zipfile data into a str object, necessary since returns a bytes object. metadataText = io.TextIOWrapper('metadata'), encoding='utf-8' ).read() allMetadata = json.loads(metadataText, object_hook=jsonHook) metadataIndex = [str(_) for _ in sorted([int(i) for i in viewkeys(allMetadata) ]) ] binarydataFile ='binarydata') for index in metadataIndex: binaryItem = allMetadata[index][0] for binaryMetadata in allMetadata[index][1]: arrayKey = binaryMetadata['arrayKey'] rawdata =['end'] - binaryMetadata['start'] ) array = _arrayFromBytes(rawdata, binaryMetadata) binaryItem.arrays[arrayKey] = array binaryItemContainer[] = binaryItem return binaryItemContainer
def _arrayFromBytes(dataBytes, metadata): """Generates and returns a numpy array from raw data bytes. :param bytes: raw data bytes as generated by ``numpy.ndarray.tobytes()`` :param metadata: a dictionary containing the data type and optionally the shape parameter to reconstruct a ``numpy.array`` from the raw data bytes. ``{"dtype": "float64", "shape": (2, 3)}`` :returns: ``numpy.array`` """ array = numpy.fromstring(dataBytes, dtype=numpy.typeDict[metadata['dtype']]) if 'shape' in metadata: array = array.reshape(metadata['shape']) return array # --- not yet named section --- #
[docs]def searchFileLocation(targetFileName, targetFileExtension, rootDirectory, recursive=True): """Search for a filename with a specified file extension in all subfolders of specified rootDirectory, returns first matching instance. :param targetFileName: #TODO: docstring :type targetFileName: str :param rootDirectory: #TODO: docstring :type rootDirectory: str :param targetFileExtension: #TODO: docstring :type targetFileExtension: str :param recursive: bool, specify whether subdirectories should be searched :returns: a filepath (str) or None """ expectedFileName = targetFileName.split('.')[0] + '.' + targetFileExtension targetFilePath = None if recursive: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(rootDirectory): for filename in filenames: if filename == expectedFileName: targetFilePath = joinpath(dirpath, filename) break if targetFilePath is not None: break else: for filename in os.listdir(rootDirectory): filePath = joinpath(rootDirectory, filename) if not os.path.isfile(filePath): continue if filename == expectedFileName: targetFilePath = filePath break return targetFilePath
[docs]def matchingFilePaths(targetfilename, directory, targetFileExtension=None, selector=None): """Search for files in all subfolders of specified directory, return filepaths of all matching instances. :param targetfilename: filename to search for, only the string before the last "." is used for filename matching. Ignored if a selector function is specified. :param directory: search directory, including all subdirectories :param targetFileExtension: string after the last "." in the filename, has to be identical if specified. "." in targetFileExtension are ignored, thus ".txt" is treated equal to "txt". :param selector: a function which is called with the value of targetfilename and has to return True (include value) or False (discard value). If no selector is specified, equality to targetfilename is used. :returns: list of matching file paths (str) """ targetFilePaths = list() targetfilename = os.path.splitext(targetfilename)[0] targetFileExtension = targetFileExtension.replace('.', '') matchExtensions = False if targetFileExtension is None else True if selector is None: selector = functools.partial(operator.eq, targetfilename) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): for filename in filenames: filenameNoextension = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] if selector(filenameNoextension): if matchExtensions: if not filename.endswith('.' + targetFileExtension): continue targetFilePaths.append(joinpath(dirpath, filename)) return targetFilePaths
[docs]def listFiletypes(targetfilename, directory): """Looks for all occurences of a specified filename in a directory and returns a list of all present file extensions of this filename. In this cas everything after the first dot is considered to be the file extension: ``"filename.txt" -> "txt"``, ``"" -> ""`` :param targetfilename: a filename without any extensions :param directory: only files present in this directory are compared to the targetfilename :returns: a list of file extensions (str) """ targetextensions = list() for filename in os.listdir(directory): if not os.path.isfile(joinpath(directory, filename)): continue splitname = filename.split('.') basename = splitname[0] extension = '.'.join(splitname[1:]) if basename == targetfilename: targetextensions.append(extension) return targetextensions
[docs]def findAllSubstrings(string, substring): """ Returns a list of all substring starting positions in string or an empty list if substring is not present in string. :param string: a template string :param substring: a string, which is looked for in the ``string`` parameter. :returns: a list of substring starting positions in the template string """ #TODO: solve with regex? what about '.': #return [m.start() for m in re.finditer('(?='+substring+')', string)] start = 0 positions = [] while True: start = string.find(substring, start) if start == -1: break positions.append(start) #+1 instead of +len(substring) to also find overlapping matches start += 1 return positions
[docs]def toList(variable, types=(basestring, int, float, )): """Converts a variable of type string, int, float to a list, containing the variable as the only element. :param variable: any python object :type variable: (str, int, float, others) :returns: [variable] or variable """ if isinstance(variable, types): return [variable] else: return variable
[docs]def joinpath(path, *paths): """Join two or more pathname components, inserting "/" as needed and replacing all "\\" by "/". :returns: str """ return os.path.join(path, *paths).replace('\\','/')
# --- not yet named section, involving all sorts of calculations --- #
[docs]class Memoize(object): """A general memoization class, specify a function when creating a new instance of the class. The functions return value is returned and stored in ``self.memo`` when the instance is called with an argument for the first time. Later calls with the same argument return the cached value, instead of calling the function again. :ivar function: when ``Memoize`` is called this functions return value is returned. :ivar memo: a dictionary that records the ``function`` return values of already called variables. """ def __init__(self, function): self.function = function self.memo = {} def __call__(self, arg): if not arg in self.memo: self.memo[arg] = self.function(arg) return self.memo[arg]
#For multiple arguments use instead: #def __call__(self, *args): # if not args in self.memo: # self.memo[args] = self.function(*args) # return self.memo[args] factorial = Memoize(lambda n: math.factorial(int(n))) """Returns the factorial of a number, the results of already calculated numbers are stored in factorial.memo """ log10factorial = Memoize(lambda n: math.log10(math.factorial(int(n)))) """Returns the log10 factorial of a number, the results of already calculated numbers are stored in log10factorial.memo """ # --- some convenience functions to work with arrays and others... --- #
[docs]def calcDeviationLimits(value, tolerance, mode): """Returns the upper and lower deviation limits for a value and a given tolerance, either as relative or a absolute difference. :param value: can be a single value or a list of values if a list of values is given, the minimal value will be used to calculate the lower limit and the maximum value to calculate the upper limit :param tolerance: a number used to calculate the limits :param mode: either ``absolute`` or ``relative``, specifies how the ``tolerance`` should be applied to the ``value``. """ values = toList(value) if mode == 'relative': lowerLimit = min(values) * (1 - tolerance) upperLimit = max(values) * (1 + tolerance) elif mode == 'absolute': lowerLimit = min(values) - tolerance upperLimit = max(values) + tolerance else: raise Exception('mode %s not specified' %(filepath, )) return lowerLimit, upperLimit
[docs]def returnArrayFilters(arr1, arr2, limitsArr1, limitsArr2): """#TODO: docstring :param arr1: #TODO: docstring :param arr2: #TODO: docstring :param limitsArr1: #TODO: docstring :param limitsArr2: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ posL = bisect.bisect_left(arr1, limitsArr1[0]) posR = bisect.bisect_right(arr1, limitsArr1[1]) matchMask = ((arr2[posL:posR] <= limitsArr2[1]) & (arr2[posL:posR] >= limitsArr2[0]) ) return posL, posR, matchMask
[docs]def applyArrayFilters(array, posL, posR, matchMask): """#TODO: docstring :param array: #TODO: docstring :param posL: #TODO: docstring :param posR: #TODO: docstring :param matchMask: #TODO: docstring :returns: ``numpy.array``, a subset of the input ``array``. """ return numpy.compress(matchMask, array[posL:posR], axis=0)
# --- data fitting section --- #
[docs]class DataFit(object): """#TODO: docstring :param splines: #TODO: docstring :param splineCycles: #TODO: docstring :param splineMinKnotPoins: #TODO: docstring :param splineOrder: #TODO: docstring :param splineInitialKnots: #TODO: docstring :param splineSubsetPercentage: #TODO: docstring :param splineTerminalExpansion: #TODO: docstring :param dependentVar: #TODO: docstring :param independentVar: #TODO: docstring """ def __init__(self, dependentVarInput, independentVarInput): self.dependentVarInput = dependentVarInput self.independentVarInput = independentVarInput self.splines = None self.splineCycles = 10 self.splineMinKnotPoins = 10 self.splineOrder = 2 self.splineInitialKnots = 200 self.splineSubsetPercentage = 0.4 self.splineTerminalExpansion = 0.1 self.dependentVar = list() self.independentVar = list()
[docs] def processInput(self, dataAveraging=False, windowSize=None): """ #TODO: docstring :param dataAveraging: #TODO: docstring :param windowSize: #TODO: docstring """ self.dependentVar = numpy.array(self.dependentVarInput, dtype=numpy.float64 ) self.independentVar = numpy.array(self.independentVarInput, dtype=numpy.float64 ) sortMask = self.independentVar.argsort() self.dependentVar = self.dependentVar[sortMask] self.independentVar = self.independentVar[sortMask] if dataAveraging: averagedData = averagingData(self.dependentVar, windowSize=windowSize, averagingType=dataAveraging ) averagedData = numpy.array(averagedData, dtype=numpy.float64) missingNumHigh = numpy.floor((self.independentVar.size - averagedData.size ) / 2 ) missingNumLow = ((self.independentVar.size - averagedData.size) - missingNumHigh ) self.dependentVar = averagedData self.independentVar = self.independentVar[missingNumLow: -missingNumHigh]
[docs] def generateSplines(self): """#TODO: docstring """ _ = returnSplineList(self.dependentVar, self.independentVar, subsetPercentage=self.splineSubsetPercentage, cycles=self.splineCycles, minKnotPoints=self.splineMinKnotPoins, initialKnots=self.splineInitialKnots, splineOrder=self.splineOrder, terminalExpansion=self.splineTerminalExpansion ) self.splines = _
def __getitem__(self, value): """#TODO: docstring :param value: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO docstring """ returnValue = numpy.mean([numpy.nan_to_num(currSpline(value)) for currSpline in self.splines ]) return returnValue
[docs] def corrArray(self, inputArray): """#TODO: docstring :param inputArray: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO docstring """ outputArray = numpy.vstack([numpy.nan_to_num(currSpline(inputArray)) for currSpline in self.splines ]).mean(axis=0) return outputArray
[docs]def averagingData(array, windowSize=None, averagingType='median'): """#TODO: docstring :param array: #TODO: docstring :param windowSize: #TODO: docstring :param averagingType: "median" or "mean" :returns: #TODO: docstring """ assert averagingType in ['median', 'mean'] if windowSize is None: windowSize = int(len(array) / 50) if int(len(array) / 50) > 100 else 100 if averagingType == 'median': averagedData = runningMedian(array, windowSize) elif averagingType == 'mean': averagedData = runningMean(array, len(array), windowSize) return averagedData
[docs]def returnSplineList(dependentVar, independentVar, subsetPercentage=0.4, cycles=10, minKnotPoints=10, initialKnots=200, splineOrder=2, terminalExpansion=0.1 ): """ #TODO: docstring Note: Expects sorted arrays. :param dependentVar: #TODO: docstring :param independentVar: #TODO: docstring :param subsetPercentage: #TODO: docstring :param cycles: #TODO: docstring :param minKnotPoints: #TODO: docstring :param initialKnots: #TODO: docstring :param splineOrder: #TODO: docstring :param terminalExpansion: expand subsets on both sides :returns: #TODO: docstring """ expansions = ddict(list) expansionArea = (independentVar[-1] - independentVar[0]) * terminalExpansion #adds 100 data points at both ends of the dependent and independent array for i in range(100): expansions['indUp'].append(independentVar[-1] + expansionArea/100*i) expansions['indDown'].append(independentVar[0] - expansionArea/100*(100-i+1) ) expansions['depUp'].append(dependentVar[-1]) expansions['depDown'].append(dependentVar[0]) dependentVar = numpy.array(expansions['depDown'] + list(dependentVar) + expansions['depUp'], dtype=numpy.float64 ) independentVar = numpy.array(expansions['indDown'] + list(independentVar) + expansions['indUp'], dtype=numpy.float64 ) splineList = list() for cycle in range(cycles): subset = sorted(random.sample(range(len(dependentVar)), int(len(dependentVar) * subsetPercentage) ) ) terminalExpansion dependentSubset = dependentVar[subset] independentSubset = independentVar[subset] minIndVar = independentSubset[minKnotPoints] maxIndVar = independentSubset[-minKnotPoints] knots = [float(i) * (maxIndVar-minIndVar) / initialKnots + minIndVar for i in range(1, initialKnots) ] ## remove knots with less then minKnotPoints data points ## lastKnot = knots[0] newKnotList = [lastKnot] for knotPos in range(1,len(knots)): nextKnot = knots[knotPos] numHits = (len(independentSubset[(independentSubset >= lastKnot) & (independentSubset <= nextKnot)]) ) if numHits >= minKnotPoints: newKnotList.append(nextKnot) lastKnot = nextKnot knots = newKnotList spline = LSQUnivariateSpline(independentSubset, dependentSubset, knots, k=splineOrder) splineList.append(spline) return splineList
[docs]def tolerantArrayMatching(referenceArray, matchArray, matchTolerance, matchUnit): """#TODO: docstring Note: arrays must be sorted :param referenceArray: #TODO: docstring :param matchArray: #TODO: docstring :param matchTolerance: #TODO: docstring :param matchUnit: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring #TODO: change matchUnit to "absolute", "relative" and remove the "*1e-6" """ if matchUnit == 'ppm': lowLimMatchArr = matchArray * (1 - matchTolerance*1e-6) uppLimMatchArr = matchArray * (1 + matchTolerance*1e-6) elif matchUnit == 'da': lowLimMatchArr = matchArray - matchTolerance uppLimMatchArr = matchArray + matchTolerance else: raise Exception('wrong matchUnit type specified (da or ppm): ', matchUnit) lowerLimitMask = numpy.zeros_like(matchArray, dtype=int) upperLimitMask = numpy.zeros_like(matchArray, dtype=int) refPosLow = int() maxReferenceValue = referenceArray[-1] for matchPos, (lowerMatch, upperMatch) in enumerate(zip(lowLimMatchArr, uppLimMatchArr ) ): if lowerMatch < maxReferenceValue: while referenceArray[refPosLow] < lowerMatch: refPosLow += 1 refPosHigh = refPosLow #Try except statement because this case can only happen once at the #end of the array try: while referenceArray[refPosHigh] <= upperMatch: refPosHigh += 1 except IndexError: refPosHigh = len(referenceArray) - 1 lowerLimitMask[matchPos] = refPosLow upperLimitMask[matchPos] = refPosHigh else: refPosLow = len(referenceArray) - 1 refPosHigh = len(referenceArray) - 1 lowerLimitMask[matchPos] = refPosLow upperLimitMask[matchPos] = refPosHigh break matchPos += 1 lowerLimitMask[matchPos:len(matchArray)] = refPosLow upperLimitMask[matchPos:len(matchArray)] = refPosHigh return lowerLimitMask, upperLimitMask