Source code for maspy.xml

#TODO: module description

#  Copyright 2015-2017 David M. Hollenstein, Jakob J. Hollenstein
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

######################## Python 2 and 3 compatibility #########################
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.utils import viewitems, viewkeys, viewvalues, listitems, listvalues

    #python 2.7
    from itertools import izip as zip
except ImportError:
    #python 3 series

from base64 import b64decode as B64DEC
from base64 import b64encode as B64ENC
import io
from struct import unpack as UNPACK
from struct import pack as PACK
import os
import zlib

import numpy
from lxml import etree as ETREE

import maspy.auxiliary as aux
import maspy.ontology

### maspy unrelated xml (mzml) content #######################
""" A dictionary with the psi-ms.obo ids of various binary data array types
(derived from id: MS:1000513) used to describe a data array of either a mzML
spectrum element or mzML chromatogram element.
#TODO: check exact term of spectrum or chromatogram in mzml context
binaryDataArrayTypes = {'MS:1000514': 'mz', 'MS:1000515': 'i',
                        'MS:1000516': 'z', 'MS:1000517': 'sn',
                        'MS:1000595': 'rt', 'MS:1000617': 'lambda',
                        'MS:1000786': 'non-standard', 'MS:1000820': 'flow',
                        'MS:1000821': 'pressure', 'MS:1000822': 'temperature'

"""#TODO: docstring """
oboTranslator = maspy.ontology.DefaultTranslator()

# --- general xml methods --- #
[docs]def clearParsedElements(element): """Deletes an element and all linked parent elements. This function is used to save memory while iteratively parsing an xml file by removing already processed elements. :param element: #TODO docstring """ element.clear() while element.getprevious() is not None: del element.getparent()[0]
[docs]def clearTag(tag): """ #TODO: docstring eg "{}mzML" returns "mzML" :param tag: #TODO docstring :returns: """ return tag.split('}')[-1]
[docs]def recClearTag(element): """Applies maspy.xml.clearTag() to the tag attribute of the "element" and recursively to all child elements. :param element: an :instance:`xml.etree.Element` """ children = element.getchildren() if len(children) > 0: for child in children: recClearTag(child) element.tag = clearTag(element.tag)
[docs]def recRemoveTreeFormating(element): """Removes whitespace characters, which are leftovers from previous xml formatting. :param element: an instance of lxml.etree._Element str.strip() is applied to the "text" and the "tail" attribute of the element and recursively to all child elements. """ children = element.getchildren() if len(children) > 0: for child in children: recRemoveTreeFormating(child) if element.text is not None: if len(element.text.strip()) == 0: element.text = None else: element.text = element.text.strip() if element.tail is not None: if len(element.tail.strip()) == 0: element.tail = None else: element.tail = element.tail.strip()
[docs]def recCopyElement(oldelement): """Generates a copy of an xml element and recursively of all child elements. :param oldelement: an instance of lxml.etree._Element :returns: a copy of the "oldelement" .. warning:: doesn't copy ``.text`` or ``.tail`` of xml elements """ newelement = ETREE.Element(oldelement.tag, oldelement.attrib) if len(oldelement.getchildren()) > 0: for childelement in oldelement.getchildren(): newelement.append(recCopyElement(childelement)) return newelement
#################################### # --- working with param tuple --- # ####################################
[docs]def cvParamFromDict(attributes): """Python representation of a mzML cvParam = tuple(accession, value, unitAccession). :param attributes: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ keys = ['accession', 'value', 'unitAccession'] return tuple(attributes[key] if key in attributes else None for key in keys)
[docs]def userParamFromDict(attributes): """Python representation of a mzML userParam = tuple(name, value, unitAccession, type) :param attributes: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ keys = ['name', 'value', 'unitAccession', 'type'] return tuple(attributes[key] if key in attributes else None for key in keys)
[docs]def refParamGroupFromDict(attributes): """Python representation of a mzML referencableParamGroup = ('ref', ref) :param attributes: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring .. note:: altough the mzML element referencableParamGroups is imported, its utilization is currently not implemented in MasPy. """ return ('ref', attributes['ref'])
[docs]def findParam(params, targetValue): """Returns a param entry (cvParam or userParam) in a list of params if its 'accession' (cvParam) or 'name' (userParam) matches the targetValue. return: cvParam, userParam or None if no matching param was found :param params: #TODO: docstring :param targetValue: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ for param in params: if param[0] == targetValue: return param return None
[docs]def getParam(xmlelement): """Converts an mzML xml element to a param tuple. :param xmlelement: #TODO docstring :returns: a param tuple or False if the xmlelement is not a parameter ('userParam', 'cvParam' or 'referenceableParamGroupRef') """ elementTag = clearTag(xmlelement.tag) if elementTag in ['userParam', 'cvParam', 'referenceableParamGroupRef']: if elementTag == 'cvParam': param = cvParamFromDict(xmlelement.attrib) elif elementTag == 'userParam': param = userParamFromDict(xmlelement.attrib) else: param = refParamGroupFromDict(xmlelement.attrib) else: param = False return param
[docs]def extractParams(xmlelement): """ #TODO docstring :param xmlelement: #TODO docstring :returns: #TODO docstring """ params = list() children = list() for child in xmlelement.getchildren(): param = getParam(child) if param: params.append(param) else: children.append(child) return params, children
[docs]def xmlAddParams(parentelement, params): """Generates new mzML parameter xml elements and adds them to the 'parentelement' as xml children elements. :param parentelement: :class:`xml.etree.Element`, an mzML element :param params: a list of mzML parameter tuples ('cvParam', 'userParam' or 'referencableParamGroup') """ if not params: return None for param in params: if len(param) == 3: cvAttrib = {'cvRef': param[0].split(':')[0], 'accession': param[0], 'name':oboTranslator.getNameWithId(param[0]) } if param[1]: cvAttrib.update({'value': param[1]}) else: cvAttrib.update({'value': ''}) if param[2]: unitName = oboTranslator.getNameWithId(param[2]) cvAttrib.update({'unitAccession': param[2], 'unitCvRef': param[2].split(':')[0], 'unitName': unitName }) paramElement = ETREE.Element('cvParam', **cvAttrib) elif len(param) == 4: userAttrib = {'name': param[0]} if param[1]: userAttrib.update({'value': param[1]}) else: userAttrib.update({'value': ''}) if param[2]: userAttrib.update({'unitAccession': param[2], 'unitCvRef': param[2].split(':')[0] }) if param[3]: userAttrib.update({'type': param[3]}) paramElement = ETREE.Element('userParam', **userAttrib) elif param[0] == 'ref': refAttrib = {'ref': param[1]} paramElement = ETREE.Element('referenceableParamGroupRef', **refAttrib ) parentelement.append(paramElement)
#################################################################### # --- decode and encode function for binary data of mzml files --- # ####################################################################
[docs]def interpretBitEncoding(bitEncoding): """Returns a floattype string and a numpy array type. :param bitEncoding: Must be either '64' or '32' :returns: (floattype, numpyType) """ if bitEncoding == '64': floattype = 'd' # 64-bit numpyType = numpy.float64 elif bitEncoding == '32': floattype = 'f' # 32-bit numpyType = numpy.float32 else: errorText = ''.join(['bitEncoding \'', bitEncoding, '\' not defined. ', 'Must be \'64\' or \'32\'' ]) raise TypeError(errorText) return (floattype, numpyType)
[docs]def decodeBinaryData(binaryData, arrayLength, bitEncoding, compression): """Function to decode a mzML byte array into a numpy array. This is the inverse function of :func:`encodeBinaryData`. Concept inherited from :func:`pymzml.spec.Spectrum._decode` of the python library `pymzML <>`_. :param binaryData: #TODO: docstring :param arrayLength: #TODO: docstring :param binEncoding: #TODO: docstring :param compression: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ #TODO: should raise an error if a wrong compression is specified bitEncodedData = binaryData.encode("utf-8") bitDecodedData = B64DEC(bitEncodedData) floattype, numpyType = interpretBitEncoding(bitEncoding) if compression == 'zlib': decompressedData = zlib.decompress(bitDecodedData) else: decompressedData = bitDecodedData fmt = '{endian}{arraylength}{floattype}'.format(endian='<', arraylength=arrayLength, floattype=floattype ) dataArray = numpy.array(UNPACK(fmt, decompressedData), dtype=numpyType) return dataArray
[docs]def encodeBinaryData(dataArray, bitEncoding, compression): """Function to encode a ``numpy.array`` into a mzML byte array. This is the inverse function of :func:`decodeBinaryData`. :param dataArray: #TODO: docstring :param bitEncoding: #TODO: docstring :param compression: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ #TODO: should raise an error if a wrong compression is specified arrayLength = len(dataArray) floattype, __ = interpretBitEncoding(bitEncoding) fmt = '{endian}{arraylength}{floattype}'.format(endian='<', arraylength=arrayLength, floattype=floattype ) packedData = PACK(fmt, *dataArray) if compression == 'zlib': compressedData = zlib.compress(packedData) else: compressedData = packedData encodedData = B64ENC(compressedData) return encodedData, arrayLength
[docs]def findBinaryDataType(params): """ #TODO: docstring from: a binaryDataArray "MUST supply a *child* term of MS:1000518 (binary data type) only once" :param params: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ binaryDataType = None cvParam = None for param in params: if param[0] in binaryDataArrayTypes: binaryDataType = binaryDataArrayTypes[param[0]] cvParam = param break return binaryDataType, cvParam
[docs]def extractBinaries(binaryDataArrayList, arrayLength): """ #TODO: docstring :param binaryDataArrayList: #TODO: docstring :param arrayLength: #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ extractedArrays = dict() arrayInfo = dict() for binaryData in binaryDataArrayList: if findParam(binaryData['params'], 'MS:1000523') is not None: bitEncoding = '64' else: bitEncoding = '32' if findParam(binaryData['params'], 'MS:1000574') is not None: compression = 'zlib' else: compression = None dataType, dataTypeParam = findBinaryDataType(binaryData['params']) if binaryData['binary']: extractedArrays[dataType] = decodeBinaryData(binaryData['binary'], arrayLength, bitEncoding, compression ) else: __, numpyType = interpretBitEncoding(bitEncoding) extractedArrays[dataType] = numpy.array([], dtype=numpyType) binaryData['binary'] = None arrayInfo[dataType] = {'dataProcessingRef': None, 'params': binaryData['params'] } if 'dataProcessingRef' in binaryData: arrayInfo[dataType]['dataProcessingRef'] = \ binaryData['dataProcessingRef'] return extractedArrays, arrayInfo
############################# # --- Parse a mzml file --- # #############################
[docs]class MzmlReader(object): """ #TODO: docstring :ivar mzmlPath: #TODO: docstring :ivar metadataNode: #TODO: docstring :ivar chromatogramList: #TODO: docstring """ #TODO: change to work as a with method def __init__(self, mzmlPath): self.mzmlPath = mzmlPath self.metadataNode = None self.chromatogramList = list() self._parsed = False if self.mzmlPath.endswith('.gz'): #Only import modules if necessary import gzip; import codecs self.openfile = codecs.getreader('utf-8')( ) else: #TODO: necessary to open with 'rb'? self.openfile =, 'rb') self.iterator = ETREE.iterparse(self.openfile, events=('start', 'end')) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): """ The python 2.6+ iterator """ return
[docs] def next(self): """ #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ try: self.event, self.element = next(self.iterator) self.elementTag = clearTag(self.element.tag) except StopIteration: clearParsedElements(self.element) raise StopIteration return self.event, self.element, self.elementTag
[docs] def loadMetadata(self): """ #TODO: docstring """ #TODO: change that spectra dont have to be iterated to extract metadata #node if self._parsed: raise TypeError('Mzml file already parsed.') [None for _ in self._parseMzml()] self._parsed = True
[docs] def parseSpectra(self): """ #TODO: docstring :returns: #TODO: docstring """ #Note: the spectra need to be iterated completely to save the #metadataNode if self._parsed: raise TypeError('Mzml file already parsed.') self._parsed = True return self._parseMzml()
def _parseMzml(self): """ #TODO: docstring """ #TODO: this is already pretty nested, reduce that eg by using a function # processRunNode for event, element, elementTag in self: if elementTag == 'mzML': metadataNode = ETREE.Element(self.elementTag, self.element.attrib ) _, _, targetTag = break while targetTag != 'mzML': if targetTag == 'run': runNode = ETREE.Element('run', self.element.attrib) next(self) while self.event != 'end' or self.elementTag != 'run': if self.elementTag == 'spectrumList': #Add spectrumListNode specListAttrib = {'defaultDataProcessingRef': self.element.attrib['defaultDataProcessingRef'] } specListNode = ETREE.Element('spectrumList', specListAttrib) runNode.append(specListNode) #Parse and yield spectrum xml elements while self.event != 'end' or self.elementTag != 'spectrumList': if self.event == 'end' and self.elementTag == 'spectrum': yield self.element clearParsedElements(self.element) next(self) elif self.elementTag == 'chromatogramList': #Add chromatogramListNode chromListAttrib = {'defaultDataProcessingRef': self.element.attrib['defaultDataProcessingRef'] } chromListNode = ETREE.Element('chromatogramList', chromListAttrib ) runNode.append(chromListNode) #Parse and store chromatogram xml elements while self.event != 'end' or self.elementTag != 'chromatogramList': if self.event == 'end' and self.elementTag == 'chromatogram': self.chromatogramList.append(self.element) #Alternatively also the chromatogram xml #elements could be yielded: # yield self.element # clearParsedElements(self.element) next(self) else: runNode.append(self.element) next(self) metadataNode.append(runNode) break else: while self.event != 'end' or self.elementTag != targetTag: next(self) metadataNode.append(self.element) _, _, targetTag = next(self) recClearTag(metadataNode) recRemoveTreeFormating(metadataNode) self.metadataNode = recCopyElement(metadataNode) self.openfile.close()
[docs]def sublistReader(xmlelement): """ #TODO: docstring """ #Note: actually I'm not 100% sure how this function behaves elements = list() params, children = extractParams(xmlelement) for child in children: currElement = dict() currElement.update(child.attrib) childparams, subchildren = extractParams(child) if childparams: currElement['params'] = childparams for subchild in subchildren: subchildTag = clearTag(subchild.tag) if 'List' in subchildTag: listelements, listparams = sublistReader(subchild) simplelist = [listelement['params'] for listelement in listelements] currElement[subchildTag] = simplelist else: subchildparams, _ = extractParams(subchild) currElement[subchildTag] = subchildparams if subchildTag == 'binary' and subchild.text: currElement[subchildTag] = subchild.text.strip() elements.append(currElement) return elements, params